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Archive-name: Miscell/horshelp.txt

Archive-author: Animal Trainer

Archive-title: Horse Help - A Guide to Horses

A Beginners Guide

Horses are a proud, independent breed of animal.  Their breed, their social

life, their training (or lack therof), and their own developing personality

are a few of the variables that must be accounted for when attempting to

understand them individualy.  Horses, like people, all have individual

personalities so one must really spend a great deal of time with an animal

to develop a significant relationship.  I can say with a great deal of

confidence however, that anyone that spends a significant amount of time

observing and interacting with horses can do ANYTHING with them.

Basic reproductive behavior

Horses, like most animals, depend on the sense of smell to signify the

readiness of a female for an encounter.  The stallion will approach the

mare from behind and make a squealing noise...if the mare is in heat she

will "wink" her pussy and squirt a few short squirts of urine.  The

stallion will have to approach her several times (unless shes a real slut)

before she will acquiesse.  The mare will often prove recalcitrant for some

time, even threatening to kick the stallion.  As he squeals and nips her

however, with time, she becomes acquiessent and allows him to mount her and

complete the union.

The Stallion

A full grown stallion's cock, when fully erect, will measure some two to

three feet long.  It can be three to six inches thick at the base, to about

two inches thick at the head.  Horses are somewhat different from other

animals in the way their cock head works.  When a horse is fully erect and

excited and ready to mount, his cock head is somewhat pointed and not as

thick as might be normally observed.  This is to facillatate an easier

entry into the mare.  After the horse has entered and reaches a climax the

head swells (though it is more spongy then hard) into a fist sized mass as

he ejacultates.  It is thought that this serves as a plug to force the

semen deep into the mare rather then allowing it to leak out.  A full grown

stallion can ejaculate about one cup ( 8 ounces ) of semen.  It will take

quite a few spurts to accomplish this.  Each time his tail will raise and

lower in a brief flick.  The first few jets are of a thin to average

consistency of cum.  The final few jets are of a thick gelatinous

substance... it is thought that this serves to "seal" the mares pussy so

that the semen has time to do it's thing before leaking out.  Horse semen

is extremely viscous, if you touch your finger to a pool of it you can draw

a thin string of it five to six feet long!  Horse cum has a nice flat taste

to it...not at all bitter like man's cum.  You can easily drink cups of it

with no discomfort.

The Mare - how to do it.

Mares can be quite satisfactory for the average well endowed male.  If you

are somewhat less developed you might find better pleasure with a pony or

Miniature Horse.  These are also better as they are lower to the ground. A

pony you can fuck standing up.  A miniature horse on your knees or

squatting depending on the size.  A mare will require something to stand on

or "platform shoes"...(IE mini stilts to raise you a foot off the ground)

so that you can reach her pussy.

Fucking any horse will depend on the horse.  Some will be ready right

away...some will take coaxing.  Pet the animal, talk to it softly, spend

time with it gaining it's trust.  If something you are doing upsets it then

don't force it.  Talk to it and calm it.  If you work slowly you can make

an animal accept anything.  It is just a question of helping it overcome

it's fears.  All animals fear man if raised in the wild.  How any animal

reacts will depend on it's own experiences.  If you haved raised the animal

yourself in a loving enviroment, then you should have no problem

associating with it, if it is a strange animal that you have met in the

wild then you will have to go through an extended "courtship" to learn how

to respond to the beast.


When the filly reaches weaning age, seperate her from her dam.  If you have

limited time to spend then she should be put to pasture.  If you have

plenty of time then you should keep her in a stall.  Spend time with her

during the day petting and grooming her and allow her some time to run

free.  Limit her access to other horses though and see that she spends at

least 8-12 hours a day in the stall. (Start with more free time and as she

approaches her first birthday confine her more...she is now at the right

age and her confinement will have made her so bored that she is amenable to

any new experience so long as it is not unpleasant)Young fillys have no

objection to someone playing with their pussy's.  I have walked up on a pen

full of strange fillys at night and they came right up to me and I petted

them and felt up their pussys and they just lifted their tales and seemed

to enjoy it.  These fillys didn't even know me but they were young,

inexperienced and bored...also since they were penned they were used to the

presence of people and did not fear me.  Most horses in a large pasture

will run when they scent a strange human in their pasture at night.

If you sit on the ground and wait  patiently, they will get downwind of you

and snort and fret, but eventually they will get curious and come must wait until they have come close enough to smell and touch

you before saying anything or moving.  Even then speak softly and move VERY

slowly so as not to spook them.  If you can feed the horses and let them

smell you during the day on several occaisons then they will remember you

and come to you more readily when you appear in the middle of the night. 

Also if you are seducing strange horses you should bring them food.  This

is a good way to start a relationship.

Wild mares or those that have been artificially inseminated are usually

reluctant to have sex.  The wild ones are used to violent horsecock and the

others have had peoples arms in their cunts so they can be apprehensive

about sexual events.  Start rubbing ,scratching, etc in different areas

and observe the mare to see what she likes...almost all horses enjoy being

scratched under the chin and across the withers.  Play with the horse until

it is comfortable with you and as you stroke it slowly move toward it's

hind end.  Scratch her rump and around her tale and the move down her hind

legs.  If she reacts to this well she might raise her tail

somewhat...gently rub her pussy and see how she reacts...if she doesn't get

violent then spit on your fingers and rub a couple of them through her

snatch...if she doesn't try to kick you then she is probably ready to fuck.

Note on horses and getting kicked.... Standing directly in front of a horse

is hazardous as it can raise on it's hind legs and come down with a front

hoof on your head.  Standing 3-6 feet behind a horse is hazardous as it has

range to wind up and kick you a good one with the hind legs.  Standing

beside a horse is fairly safe.  It can only stomp on your toes which can be

avoided...standing behind a horse is safe if you are no farther then a foot

from it's are so close that the horse can't develop a full swing

and cannot kick you hard.  If the horse can move forward you might fall

into range so try to tie up or use a stall or something so the animal

cannot pull away into striking range.  If you make a good relationship

however the above is unnecessary though.  I have had mare that welcomed

me...pushed back every time I shoved, and contracted her cunt to milk my

cock dry.  Horses are some of the best pussy I have ever tried!  And I have

tried plenty of PEOPLE & ANIMALS!  Also horses are easily trainable!  As

long as you make sure they enjoy what is happening and don't force them or

get angry with them if they misunderstand what you want of them, they will

love you always.  Above all try to understand what they like and do it to doing whatever, to make them happy, they will respond by

granting you greater freedoms.  Once you have succesfully fucked a filly a

few times she will be used to it and look forward to your visits so long as

you give her the attention she desires.  You must experiment and treat her

as a lover and see what turns her on.  Treat her as she wants and she will

give you all.

The Stallion

A stallion is is one of the most proudest, powerful, masculine, things

there is.  All stallions are very oral and like to nibble and bite on

anything available.  This can be annoying and painful and they should be

trained against it at a early age or else you should wear a padded suit, so

that they can bite you painlessly.  This might be considered as a horse

that allows itself to be bitten without reacting is signalling that it is

sexually receptive.  Stallions that have succesfully coupled in the wild

are somewhat resistant from seduction by humans.  If they are isolated,

tempted and trained, then they will become more acquiessent but the best

ones are those that have been raised in a human enviroment since weaning,

since they have not had sex with other horses they are more amenable to

having sex with humans when their hormones kick in and they are looking for

some release.  Bringing a wild horse to orgasm can be more difficult.  They

are used to a mares pussy which is several degrees hotter then a humans

body heat.  A person could fuck or suck them and not bring them to the

point of orgasm unless they had been isolated and deprived and unable to

help but cut loose with a load.  Stallions can be readily trained though. 

Most stud farms use artificial insemination, the stallions are aroused by

the scent of mares in heat and then an artificial vagina filled with warm

water is slipped over their cock and they reach orgasm.  The stallions soon

learn the routine and just be leading them into the proper barn they know

what is coming and obtain an erection.  This can work for you too.  By

coming repeatedly to a horse and arousing him he will become trained to see

you as a sexual object.  Soon just your presence will give him a throbbing


Arousing the Stallion

Stallions are aroused by the smell of horse pussy above all else.

If you have access to a mare, then gentle her till she will let you finger

her...then coat your fingers with her juice.  Now rub your fingers across

the stallions nose!  He will react even if she is not in heat!  He knows

the smell!  I have done this to geldings!  Horses that have been castrated

and they still got a hardon!!!  Also pet & rub the horse and rub his

cock...don't pull on it hard.. be gentle...big as it is it is still tender!

If you rub his belly and sheath slowly and gently and let him smell some

horse pussy juice then he will erect.  If you can find a horse in heat then

grab some urine and refrigerate it.  Take some out and thaw it when you

want it.  Rubbing some hot mare piss on a stallions nose will make him

horny as hell!   He will be all over you! Once a stallion smells that he

doesn't care what he fucks!  He just wants a hot hole.

Make sure there are no other horses around...otherwise he will jump them

instead of you!

Some horses have been trained too react to certain cues, others react to

their own natural cues...I remember a $1,000,000.00 Arabian stallion I

trained.. He stuck his tounge out about 1/2 inch...when someone would rub

this small crescent he would instantly get a raging hardon...more proof

that stallions are very oral. This stallion had never had sex with a

mare...he had only climaxed through the intervention of humans and was

quite happy with having sex in a artificial vagina with the help of does wonders.


unless they have are experienced in fist fucking or have taken a large dog

in to the max ( IE knot and all).  A horse has an enormus cock and could do

serious damage to someone who is not prepared. A horse cock can easily grow

as big as the knot in a large dogs cock so if you can't take that in then

you aren't ready.  PS.  A large dog can stretch you where a horse can fit

if you make the switch before the hole shrivels.

Country boys - you know where the animals are and how to get

don't need to read this.

City Boys - Drive out to the suburbs and find some isolated horses.. try to

encounter them in the day and get them used to you then return at night to

have some fun.  IF there are stables around then spend some time there. 

Sign up for riding lessons or whatever and then kindof fade out and help

groom the horses and clean the stalls.  Chances or whoever runs the scene

will be glad for the help and won't question your prescence there.  You can

help run the show by day and return for sex at night.  Just be careful,

there is less privacy in the city as compared to the country.  You sure

don't want to be caught!

New animals on the block!!

We now have miniature donkeys and horses as well as the larger ponys to

play with!

These animals reach a maximum of about 200 pounds for the purebreeds and

somewhat larger for the crossbreeds.  You can buy or breed an animal just

for your size specifications!  Male and female animals made to order. 

Miniatures are currently selling (dec. 1991) for $300 to $3000 depending on

pedigree.  Anyone can find a horse their size.  Support and promote these

animals.  They are salvation to us all.  The mares are tight and the

stallions are all can be found to fit any hole.



I have known animal triner for many years and he is very experienced with

animals.  Take his word as gospel....he knows what he speaks of and is a

true beastie wonder!  The 5 years he spent on the stud farm gave him

extensive equine experience!



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