Archive-name: Changes/specfrn1.txt
Archive-author: The Armor Plated Wombat
Archive-title: Two Special Friends - 1 - In the Beginning
Copyright 1992, The Armor Plated Wombat . All rights
reserved. License is hereby granted to republish on
electronic media for which no fees are charged (except for
the media used), so long as the text of this copyright notice
and license are attached intact to any and all republished
portion or portions.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
It is said that if fate requires that two people meet, then
they will meet, even if a thousand miles of mountains
stand between them. This must be true, for as we shall
see, even the more impervious barrier of different social
classes did not stop Paul and Tim from becoming special
Paul was the son of two lawyers (thereby proving that not
all lawyers are bastards) and while the family were not
millionaires, they lived a very comfortable life. Paul went
to the upper class public school in his neighborhood. He
did reasonable well at his studies and excelled at
wrestling. Being able to overpower much larger
opponents by a combination of stealth and grace had
earned him the place as team captain and the admiration
of the other students in the school.
Unfortunately, not everyone can be so lucky. Tim lived on
the wrong side of town in a rundown public housing
apartment. His mother supported them both by working
two office cleaning jobs and so they made enough to get
by, but without many luxuries. But Tim was blessed with
an extremely quick mind and his mother constantly urged
him to develop it as much as he could. When Paul's high
school started a program to bring gifted students into the
school from the surrounding area, Tim's academic record
won him a spot in the program. And thus the saga begins.
One of Paul's weakest subjects was chemistry and it was a
constant struggle for him to keep his grades up so that he
could stay on the wrestling team. Chemistry lab
experiments never seemed to go quite right, and if the
teacher hadnUt given him a great deal of credit for trying,
he would have been in serious trouble.
On this day, Paul was running out of time as he struggled
to finish the experiment before the period was over. The
test tube contents was bubbling furiously over the Bunsen
burner, but it refused to change to the proper color. It just
sat there, a defiantly boiling brown goo. As Paul turned to
the book to see what he had missed, he saw a hand with an
eye dropper moving in on his experiment. Before he
could turn, the eye dropper reached its mark and
deposited its contents in the test tube. The contents
immediately turned a vile shade of green, which was
exactly the desired result. As Paul completed his turn, he
came face to face with a young boy with an slightly worried
expression. "I'm sorry", Tim apologized, "you almost had
it but if it had boiled for a bit longer it would have been
ruined, I hope you don't mind my helping". Paul replied,
"Gee thanks, I had no idea how to finish it up and I really
need to do better in chemistry." A discussion began about
the wrestling team while they cleaned up the benches,
removing everything but the test tube with the final results
in it, which was saved to be checked later by the teacher.
Chapter 2: The Link
On their way to their next class, Paul and Tim walked
together. The were physically similar, except that
wrestling had made Paul a bit stockier and Tim was
slightly taller. However, outward appearances made them
seem more different than they really were. Paul had an
expensive designer flannel shirt on, unbuttoned half way
down to expose a heavy silk tee shirt. He also had a
matching pair of silk boxer shorts lying hidden under the
corduroy button fly pants. A blue Nordic style cardigan
with eight metal button resembling coins completed the
look. As they strode down the corridor, many girl's heads
turned to watch his athletic posterior move supplely under
the expensive pants.
Unfortunately, while Tim's wardrobe was within the
bounds of decency, it lacked any style or grace. A faded
set of sweats, consisting of a zippered hooded jacket and
pull on sweat pants was combined with a well worn tee
shirt. Money had many more important uses at Tim's
home then the purchase of expensive clothes.
But Tim felt a certain sense of style from being next to
Paul. As they got to the point where their paths diverged
Tim felt an impending sense of loss. As he turned to Paul
to say goodbye, a small misjudgment (or perhaps it was
the fulfillment of an unconscious desire) caused Tim's
hand to end up inside Paul's shirt at the base of the vee
where the shirt opened. His hand felt the expensive silk
on one side and the flannel on the other side, both fabrics
warmed by Paul's young body. Tim froze, too
embarrassed to move, but after a few seconds he
struggled to meet Paul's gaze and apologize for the
intimate contact. When his eye's met Paul's, what they
saw was understanding and a mutual yearning for the kind
of physical contact that young men are not supposed to
have. "I know", Paul whispered, "it feels good to me too".
Just then, the approach of a group of students shattered
the moment, but the link between Tim and Paul had been
Over the next few months Tim and Paul grew to be real
good friends. Paul's grades improved as Tim helped him
study and Tim got stronger and filled out a bit as Paul
coached him in various physical sports. As Tim filled out,
he looked more and more like Paul. They didn't talk
about their first moment together, but when it was private
they sat more closely together than was usual for two
teenage boys, and there was a good deal of casual bodily
contact as the moved around.
Chapter 3: When the Cat's Away
Paul had been raised to be a responsible, self reliant boy,
so it was not unheard of for him to be left alone for a few
days when his parents had to go out of town together. On
this occasion, his parents had to leave for the weekend.
Since Paul had been alone a good deal over the past few
months, Paul's mother suggested he have a friend over for
the weekend. Paul agreed, and immediately made
arrangements for Tim to spend the weekend with him.
Friday night, Tim got off the bus and walked the last half
block to Paul's house, arriving just as Paul's parents were
leaving the driveway. They waved to Tim as they drove off.
Tim proceeded up the walkway and rang the bell. Paul
answered the door, and Tim got a mild shock, for Paul was
wearing exactly the same outfit that he had on the first day
they met. "Come on in ", Paul said, "there's a great SF
movie on and then we can listen to some music and talk a
They amused themselves for a few hours and then it
began to get late. Paul suggested that they head up to
bed. A cot had been prepared for Tim, but Paul shoved it
aside, stating that the bed was plenty big enough for two.
First Paul kicked his shoes off. Then Paul slowly
unbuttoned his sweater and then cast it off, letting it land
in a heap on the floor. He then unbuttoned his shirt until
he reached his waist, where he stopped to unbuckle his
belt. He then unbuttoned his fly and let go of his pants,
which allowed them to drop to his ankles. He stepped out
of them and pushed them next to his sweater with his foot.
Then he finished unbuttoning his shirt and shrugged it off
into the growing pile.
Now clad only in the silk underwear, he stopped and
stretched a bit. As he leaned backwards, his penis
became more sharply defined under the silk boxers. It
was somewhat larger than normal, no doubt stimulated by
the contact during his undressing and the soft rubbing
performed by the silk as he stretched. He lifted the silk
undershirt over his head and then unbuttoned the
waistband and one button fly of the shorts. Adding both
items to the pile, he turned to the dresser and extracted a
pair of cranberry silk pajamas. Stepping into the pajama
pants, he buttoned the fly and waistband. Then he slipped
on the coat and fastened its four buttons. Turning back to
the bed he saw that Tim was already in bed. Having
removed his sweat outfit and tee shirt, Tim had decided to
sleep only in his underpants. The sweat outfit waited
neatly folded on a chair, awaiting its owners return.
As they both lay in bed, they talked about the movie,
school, and other things. Finally, as they both grew tired,
Paul announced that he was going to sleep, "Until
somebody holds a mirror under my nose to see if I'm still
breathing". Further remarking that he was almost
impossible to wake up until he was ready, he turned away
from Tim and was soon fast asleep.
But sleep did not come so easily for Tim, the combination
of strange surroundings and Paul's close presence kept
him awake. Also, the constricting feeling of his underwear
(it was a bit small, since he had filled out a little) irritated
him. He used his hands to push his underpants down to
his knees and then kicked them free from there.
As he lay there and thought about all of luxury Paul
enjoyed, he felt a strange yearning grow inside him. He
was also a bit cold, since he had only the blanket to keep
him warm. Slowly, he slid over to Paul's side of the bed
and gradually (so as not to wake Paul) worked his way up
against him, so that soon they were like two spoons, side by
side, his penis positioned in the crack of Paul's ass. The
smooth feeling of the silk against his skin and the extra
warmth made Tim comfortable enough to sleep. Draping
his free arm over Paul's side, he pulled Paul in toward him.
Paul responded by snuggling up against Tim and
gradually, Tim fell asleep.
Small things can awaken you in the dead of night and so
when Tim awakened a while later, he was not immediately
aware of what had disturbed him. He felt the touch of
warm skin on the hand he had touching Paul and after a
bit of gentle exploration he discovered that the top button
of Paul's coat was open, and his hand was gently touching
his chest. Suddenly, Tim remembered a dream (or was it
a dream) where he had been hugging Paul as he slept and
playing with the buttons on his pajamas. As Tim lay there
and idea began to form, he wanted to try on Paul's
sleepwear. He tried to resist the temptation, but it grew
and grew until it was too much to resist. He snuggled even
closer to Paul and slowly began to unbutton Paul's pajama
coat. After each button was unfastened and more of
Paul's soft young skin was exposed, Tim caressed it gently.
Finally the coat was completely open and Tim lay there for
some time, petting Paul's exposed chest and stomach.
Then Tim's hand went lower and found the waistband of
the pajama bottoms. First the two buttons of the
waistband were released and then Tim's hand crept under
the silk and timidly touched Paul's penis. Slowly growing
bolder, Tim stroked the penis until it was about twice its
normal size. Then, getting on with business, he
unbuttoned the four buttons of the fly.
Then he had to get Paul out of the coat and pants, so he
positioned Paul on his stomach, gently rocking him from
side to side so that he could ease the two parts of the front
of the coat from under Paul's body. Then he placed Paul's
hands behind his back and slid the coat off his sleeping
form. The pants were a bit harder, but with a little gentle
rolling and lifting they were soon off as well. Getting out of
bed, he walked to where a mirror was fastened to the wall,
next to the half open bathroom door. Light spilled out
from the doorway, since the light had been left on to guide
him in these unfamiliar surroundings. Bending down, he
first lifted one leg and then the other as he slipped the
pants on. As he fastened each button of the fly, his hands
pressed back against his own penis. It grew bigger and
more rigid with each touch and by the time he had
fastened the waist band it was fully extended, pressing up
against the silk like a caged python. He then slipped on
the coat and moved slowly around as he buttoned it up,
letting the silk caress his chest and back. Suddenly,
realizing he was about to come, he raced for the bathroom
and quickly unbuttoned the pajama bottoms. Directing
his seed into the toilet, he shuddered with pleasure as he
stroked his penis and each new ejaculation sent a wave of
sensation through him. Finally, after he had spent his
load, he took a washcloth and carefully cleaned his
member (after all, the pajamas were not his). The feel of
warm wet washcloth was pleasant, and as he moved and
the silk and terry both touched his body, he was amazed to
see that he was starting to come again. He spent quite a
long time in the bathroom, alternately ejaculating and
washing, until finally he was spent for the night.
He tiptoed back into the bedroom and got back into the
bed. Sliding up against Paul's now naked form, he started
to cuddle in preparation for sleep. Getting a sudden
inspiration, he unbuttoned the pajama coat and opened it
so that his chest could press against against Paul's back
without the intervening silk. Draping the free half of the
open coat over Paul's side and holding it in place by
putting his arm around Paul, Tim went back to sleep.
Chapter 4: Clothes Make the Man
When dawn broke, Tim awoke and lay there for awhile,
thinking. He decided to get dressed and take a walk
outside while Paul slept until he awakened naturally.
Deciding it was too risky to dress Paul, he quickly took off
the pajamas and left them folded on the foot of the bed.
He stood naked, staring at his clothes lying folded on the
chair. Though he had worn similar clothes all his life, his
first experience with silk had made him aware that there
are better things in life. As his gaze wandered around the
room, he noticed the pile of Paul's clothes lying discarded
on the floor. Slowly moving over to the pile, he picked up
the silk boxer shorts and held them close to his face.
Inhaling deeply, all he noticed was a faint musky odor
which was not at all unpleasant, in fact it reminded him of
Paul. He reached down and picked up the rest of Paul's
clothes and carried them over to the chair where his own
clothes lay. Contemptuously sweeping his own clothes
onto the floor, he sat down to place his legs in the boxer
shorts. Then he slowly pulled them up his legs as he stood
up, enjoying the slithering sensation as the silk rubbed
along his legs. He then buttoned the waistband and fly.
Then he picked up the silk tee shirt and holding it over his
head, slowly eased it onto his body, shifting slightly from
side to side in order to tease every last possible drop of
enjoyment from the experience.
Next it was time to put the shirt on. He slid it on slowly,
enjoying the feel of the slightly fuzzy flannel cloth as it
rubber his arms. When it was in place, he buttoned the
cuffs and then started buttoning the front, checking the
look in the mirror after each button. A little more than
half way up, he decided that he had gone too far and
unbuttoned the last button, leaving the shirt half way
open. Next he slipped on the corduroy pants, and
buttoned up the fly, once again pressing against his penis
with every movement. When he had finished, he looked
in the mirror and then suddenly reached down and
unbuttoned the bottom button of the fly. Though this did
not show very much on the outside, it gave him an intense
momentary thrill as he thought of going outside dressed in
this way. Then he quickly dressed in his own socks and
sneakers and was almost ready. Lifting the blue Nordic
sweater, he eased it on and buttoned it up until the open
vee of the sweater matched the open vee of the shirt.
Then he backed off one button, so that you could see both
the shirt and sweater surrounding a lustrous patch of
creamy white silk.
Stepping over to where Paul was sleeping, he kneeled
down and gently kissed Paul on the lips. Then he slid the
blankets down from his shoulder to just below his waist
and move down to Paul's midsection. He gently kissed
Paul's penis and then held it briefly in his mouth, enjoying
the sensation as the soft flesh stiffed against his tongue as
he sucked slowly on it for a moment. Then he slowly stood
up, placed the blanket back on Paul and left the room.
When Tim got outside it was still a bit nippy, since the sun
had just come up. The street was deserted, and he walked
alone. He felt more at home now, since he was dressed
suitably for this part of town. As he walked down the street
and his clothes slid gently back and forth along his skin he
felt himself to be in a constant state of mild arousal. As he
walked and dreamed of the day he would live here
because of he had succeeded, he lost track of time.
Chapter 5: A Chance Encounter
Suddenly, he heard quick steps behind him and before he
could turn around he heard someone run up behind.
With a cry of "Hi Paul", two hands reached around him
from behind and reached under his open shirt. He
reached up and disentangled himself and then turned
around. It was Cindy, out for her morning jog. When she
saw his face she became a little flustered and said, "Oh
Tim, I didn't know it was you". She then complimented
him on his clothes and gave him a few gentle probes in the
chest, as if she was checking the fit of his new wardrobe.
As her eyes glanced down for a minute, she saw the
bottom button of his pants fly (which he had left undone)
peeking out. She said, "Your fly doesn't look quite right".
Blushing, Tim reached to fix it but Cindy stopped him and
said she would do it. She then reached down and
unbuttoned the top button of his fly. "There ", she said,
"Now its symmetrical". Tim got into the spirit of things
and unbuttoned the next bottom button and then Cindy
undid the next top one. Now only the belt, waistband
button, and middle fly button were holding Tim's pants
closed. Cindy then moved out of turn and unbuttoned the
final fly button. As she toyed with the edges of his fly, she
said "I win, where's my prize". Tim replied "It's inside".
Cindy reached inside and found the single fly button on
his silk boxers. She open them and slid her hand inside,
following Tim's stiffening cock back to its base, and
stroking it a few times with her fingers. Suddenly excited,
Tim reached for her and held her close. "Not here", Cindy
cried softly, "There's a better place".
Chapter 6: The Secret Place
She led him across a lawn to where the border of the local
woods was located. Plunging in among the trees, they
came to a path that soon opened onto a small clearing. In
a hollow tree was a plastic bag, from which Cindy
extracted a blanket to place upon the ground. Motioning
for Tim to get down on it, she straddled him while
kneeling. For the first time, Tim paid attention to what she
was wearing. It was a grey polarfleece jacket with blue
nylon tape running down the front which held the twelve
snaps that fastened the jacket. At the top the collar was
rolled over on itself to form a kind of turtleneck. She also
had pants of the same fabric, but with the tape running
down both outside seams and eighteen snaps to hold the
leg side seams together. As Cindy bent down to kiss him
he reached up and began to unsnap her collar. He
continued down the front of the jacket until it was open
below her breasts, at which point she stopped him. "Not
until I get my prize", she said. She moved around to where
she could remove his shoes. Then she moved back up and
undid his belt and unbuttoned his waistband. Then she
eased his pants down slowly and removed them. Going
back up again, she unbuttoned the waist band of his
boxers and slipped them off also.
Tim didn't feel like he should take all this passively, so
when an opportunity presented itself, he used a wrestling
hold Paul had showed him to get Cindy pinned under him.
She pretended to struggle but was secretly pleased at the
turn of events. He now continued to unsnap her jacket,
which revealed that there was nothing else underneath it.
Once he had the jacket undone, he spread it open and
gazed at her young, taunt, runner's body. Wanting to
learn more, he placed his hands on each side of her pant's
waistband and undid the first snaps holding the seam
together. As he undid each successive snap, he rolled the
fabric released into a tight roll, in order to keep it out of
the way. Once he had revealed all of her panties he
stopped to examine them. They were light blue silk and
were designed to be snugged up by tightening a cord that
ran back and forth across the front. He undid the bow that
fastened the cord and was then easily able to slide the
pants and panties down over her thighs.
They made love for quite some time and after it was over
Tim lay on the blanket, completely spent. He heard Cindy
say, "Here, help me get you dressed". So as she slid the
underwear on he moved around in order to assist her. It
felt a bit different than it had that morning, and when he
moved his hand down to touch them, he discovered that
he was not wearing his underwear, but Cindy's panties.
"Something to remember me by", Cindy cooed, as she
tied the string. She then helped him into his pants and in
no time there was no visible evidence of their morning of
Cindy finished fastening her own clothes and then took a
moment to kiss Tim softly. "It was nice", she said, "be sure
to call me soon". She then continued her jogging, leaving
Tim standing in the clearing.
Chapter 7: The Capture
The walk back to Paul's house was uneventful, which was
just as well, since Tim was in a partial daze. When he
returned, he walked quietly back into the room with the
intent of undressing and getting back in bed, so that he
would not have to explain what he was doing in Paul's
clothes. But when he came within sight of the bed, Paul
was lying on his side propped up on one elbow, wearing a
pair of yellow silk pajamas, with the coat unfastened. Tim
noticed the outline of Paul's penis under the silk,
stretching it out almost like his had done in the early
hours of the morning. Paul said, "You look real good in
that outfit, why don't you keep it, I've got lots more stuff".
Tim went over to Paul and without saying a word and
started to ease his fingers under the waistband of Paul's
pants. He then slowly unbuttoned the waistband, which
caused the tip of Paul's penis to stick out, as if it was
curious about what was going on. Tim then bent down and
kissed the tip which made it grow even bigger. Then Tim
undid each button of the fly, pausing between buttons to
trace patterns on the newly exposed flesh with his finger.
Paul had laid back down and was mostly quiet, except for
the occasional shudder. When everything was undone,
Tim turned away, pretending that he was going to leave.
Paul suddenly erupted and and brought Tim down on the
bed and then straddled Tim while on his knees, holding
Tim's thighs immobile. In this position, Paul's straining
cock was almost touching Tim's crotch. Paul started to
undress Tim, first unbuttoning the sweater and shirt to
expose more of the silk undershirt. Tim would
occasionally struggle and each time he did so, Paul would
stop undressing him and caress him through the silk until
his struggles subsided. Then Paul started to work on the
pants, unbuckling the belt and then slowly unbuttoning
the waistband and fly. Between each button, he stopped
to run his fingers around the outline of the cloth, which
clearly showed the size of Tim's straining member. After
the pants were unbuttoned, he spread them open as wide
as possible. Then he finished unbuttoning Tim's shirt and
moved it out of the way. As he was admiring the view, he
noticed a small length of blue silk cord running up under
the tee shirt. He curiously pulled the tee shirt up to Tim's
stomach and revealed Cindy's panties. "What's this", he
cried, "these look like Cindy's, what's the story here?".
Chapter 8: Mom's Closet
After Tim told him Paul spent a moment fingering the
light blue woman's silk panties that Tim was wearing.
"You know", Paul said, "if you like silk panties, I know of
something that you will like even better. Get your clothes
off and I'll show you". Paul stood up and as he did so his
pajama pants fell to his ankles. He stepped out of them as
he shrugged the unbuttoned coat off. Meanwhile, Tim
was quickly removing his clothes and when he stood up,
there was nothing to be seen but smooth soft skin. Paul
motioned for Tim to go ahead of him and as Tim passed,
Paul got him in a half nelson and used the other hand to
cover Tim's eyes. Knowing better that to try and beat Paul
at wrestling, Tim went where he was led. The trip was
uneventful except for the one time he was led gently up
against a wall, with his head and hips pressing against it.
For a brief time, Paul's rigid penis probed the crack in
Tim's ass and he experienced a number of pleasant
sensations as Paul's rod explored his ass gently. Paul was
too afraid of hurting Tim to attempt penetration, so after a
few more rubs along the crack, their journey continued. It
ended when Tim was guided to a bed and told to sit down
on it.
When Tim was released, he saw that they were in what
must be Paul's parents bedroom. As Paul opened his
mother's closet, Tim was suddenly reminded of the close
resemblance that Paul bore to his mother. She was a
compact, athletic woman and at this stage in his growth
Paul was very close to her size and general build. Of
course, this meant that Tim had the same general build as
Paul's mother, since he was so close to Paul.
Paul selected several hangers from the familiar contents
of the closet, which were obscured by dry cleaning bags.
He laid these on the bed next to Tim and then started to
rummage through the dresser drawers. Selecting two
items, he threw them on the bed. Tim examined them
and found them to be two panties of heavy silk,
unremarkable in design except for a six button and loop
closure running down the front. Paul took one of the
panties and with some help from Tim, slid them up over
Tim's legs to his waist and then gently fastened them. He
then quickly put on the other pair of panties, but only
fastened the top button, so that his penis poked out a bit
from the opening.
He then started to remove the clothing from their plastic
wrappings. First he unwrapped a pair of soft tan cashmere
pants which had six buttons running down both sides to
close them. He next unwrapped a off white sleeveless
cashmere sweater which has a twenty button and loop
closure running down the front.
Finally, a red cashmere sweater with eight pairs of buttons
arranged down the front opening was revealed. Paul left
all these on the bed for Tim to examine while he returned
to the closet and pulled out a three quarter length mink
coat. Since he knew from previous experience that the
lining was tough enough to stand it, he turned the sleeves
inside out and put on the coat with the fur side inward.
Returning to the bed he found Tim touching the sweaters
and wondering at their marvelous softness. Instructing
Tim to lay back, he then rubbed one of the red sweater
sleeves along the insides of Tim's thighs, while Tim rocked
and moaned softly in response to the sensation.
After some time had passed, Paul coaxed Tim back into
an upright position and then moved behind him. He
slipped the sleeveless sweater over Tim's arms and onto
his shoulders. Moving back around front, he slowly
buttoned the sweater, stopping every few buttons to either
nuzzle the bare skin still exposed or run his hands under
the open edges so that he felt the cashmere on one side of
his hand and Tim on the other. When the sweater was
finally closed, he kissed Tim tenderly on the lips as Tim sat
with his eyes closed, awash in pleasurable sensations.
Paul then picked up the cashmere pants and bending
down, placed Tim's legs in the waist opening. He moved
them up the legs slowly, gently pressing them against the
flesh. After a minute or so, he had reached the point
where Tim had to rise up slightly while Paul coaxed the
pants over Tim's buttocks. He then tucked in the sweater
and buttoned the pants. Finally he eased the red sweater
over Tim's arms and then started to button the sweater.
As he watched the red sweater cover up the white
cashmere he decided to stop about one third up. He also
unbuttoned the white cashmere sweater until it was about
one third open. This made a compelling fashion
statement, as the colors progressed from red to white to
Tim then stood up and grasped Paul around the waist
under the mink coat. While he hugged Paul his head
nestled in the mink collar and his pelvis rubbed up against
Paul. The cashmere rubbed against Paul's penis through
the panty opening and his member quickly swelled
greatly. Feeling this, Tim dropped one hand to Paul's
buttocks and slipped it under the panties, gently fingered
the crack in his ass, going so far at to gently press against
the rim of Paul's anus. He continued this until Paul
shouted, "Enough". They broke apart just before Paul
climaxed, sending a shower of his juice onto the tile floor.
While Paul lay back down on the bed to recover, Tim went
to get a wet rag from the bathroom and returned to clean
up the mess. When he was finished he went back to the
bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth which he
used to clean Paul.
Now it was his turn, so Tim went to the closet and tried to
find something suitable for Paul to wear. A shimmer of
grey caught his eye and he selected a silk blouse which
was fairly conservative in cut with a few feminine touches.
It had seven sets of four buttons arranged in little squares
and an attached strip of material designed to be tied in a
bow around the collar. Searching further, he found a soft
dark grey jumper which started buttoning around
midstomach and finished at the hem about six inches
from the ground. There was a matching waist length
jacket which was somewhat military in appearance.
Tim returned to the bed with his booty and coaxed Paul to
a sitting position. He slipped the blouse on Paul and
started to fasten the buttons. As each square was
completed he made sure to stroke Paul along the back
and front in order to heighten his pleasure. As he finished
buttoning the collar he grasped the ends of the strip of
fabric and tried to tie a bow. After several attempts he
succeeded in tying it correctly. As he looked at Paul, he
began to see a softer, more feminine person than he had
before. In order to keep his concentration, he told Paul to
get up. He reached down and fastened the opening of
Paul's panties and then slipped the jumper on Paul.
Starting at the top, he buttoned the jumper and finished
eight buttons later at the bottom. He then slipped the
jacket on Paul and buttoned the two button waistband tab
and three of the four buttons up the jacket's front.
Chapter 9: The Journey
Once they were dressed, the question was what to do next.
Since they had been in the house all day, Paul suggested
they go for a drive. His car had tinted windows and so no
one would be able to see them. He was sure that once out
in the country they could find a place to enjoy themselves
in the fresh air without being bothered.
They packed a picnic basket with various goodies,
including a couple of bottles of a sweet desert wine. They
then loaded up the car and set out on the road.
The car had cruise control and held the road well, so that
once they were on the interstate the drive did not occupy
much of Paul's attention. He asked Tim to remove his
seatbelt and come over next to him. At the same time he
unbuckled his seatbelt.
Tim laid down across the seat, with his head in Paul's lap.
In this position Paul could easily reach Tim's stomach with
his right hand, and if he leaned over a bit he could reach
Tim's crotch. Keeping his eyes on the road, his right hand
explored the warm soft territory of Tim. Coming to the
point where the red sweater was buttoned, he slowly
released each button he came to, with a long , slow caress
between the red and white sweaters between each
unbuttoning. When he got to the last button, he flicked
the sweater open and leaning over a little, proceeded to
work on one of the side fastenings of Tim's slacks. He
opened three buttons to loosen them and then slid his
hand under the waistband, hiking up the white sweater's
tails so that he could unbutton the silk panties. He then
removed his hand and gave Tim's a quick pat, pushing it
up against the cashmere. He then said, "the rest is up to
you, Tim", and placed his hand in his lap.
Tim lay there in a half doze and intermittently stroked his
penis in order to rub it against the soft cloth. Eventually,
he fell asleep.
Paul drove on for another hour until he reached a turnoff
for a secluded spot he really liked. Engaging the four
wheel drive, he drove down the rough dirt road until it
ended in a secluded clearing. He pulled off the road and
shut off the car's engine. They had arrived.
Chapter 10: The Picnic
Looking at Tim, peacefully dozing in his lap, Paul mused
on how to wake him. First he leaned over and slipped a
hand into Tim's slacks in order to refasten the panties.
Then he closed the slacks. Bringing his hand up, he
placed it directly over Tim's heart, rubbing the soft cloth
against Tim and gradually increasing the pressure until
Tim opened his eyes.
"Going to let me do all the work", Paul teased, "Get your
butt out of the car and help me unload". Quick to spot a
pun, Tim replied, "I thought you had unloaded enough for
one day already". Moving quickly up and out of the car he
easily avoided Paul's half hearted swing at him.
They set up their picnic under a tree with blankets and the
basket, and were soon consuming the goodies they had
brought. It was not what you would call a balanced diet,
for Paul had chosen food to compliment the sweet desert
wine, so there was a good deal of cheese, including an
entire cheese cake. There was also some fruit and some
cold cuts. The boys ate with gusto, alternating bites of food
with large sips of the rich red wine.
They were well into their repast when they were suddenly
Chapter 11: The Young Warriors
The two young warriors, dressed in pseudo combat
fatigues and carrying replica M-16s burst from the
underbrush into the picnic site that Paul and Tim had
For a moment, the two young warriors were confused,
because with the combination of the longish hair and
clothes it was difficult for a stranger to tell either Tim's or
Paul's sex. Thinking quickly, Paul used a rather high
pitched voice to invite them over. After a short
conversation he invited the boys to have a snack and since
they were hungry from playing all day, they quickly
agreed. He poured each of them a large glass of the
desert wine and each of then took a small sip. They stood
there with quizzical expressions on their faces, but in a bit
their boyish love of sweets overcame their caution and
they finished the wine. To keep them there longer, Tim
offered them some cheesecake and as they started to eat,
he suggested that they take small bites to make it last
longer. When they were about half way finished, both
their forks and plates started to waver. Paul and Tim
lunged for the plates and got them just as the boys
collapsed, overcome by the potent wine. Their heads
hung forward as they sat cross legged on the picnic
Tim and Paul each took a boy and a blanket and arranged
themselves, sitting up with their back against the tree and
the boy in their lap. For some time they just sat there,
listening to the boys breath and enjoying the warmth from
their bodies. Then Tim became bolder and lowered his
arms to his sides. Unbuttoning the cashmere pants slowly
on each side, he then slid the boy forward for a moment so
he could fold the front of the pants down and unbutton his
panties. He then put the boy back in his lap, so that the
boy's crotch was an inch or so above his penis. He then
pushed the boy's legs together with his hands so that his
stiffened penis was clamped between the boy's
legs. By increasing and decreasing the pressure on the
boy's legs he found that he had a gentle but effective
means of masturbating. As he masturbated, he removed
a neckerchief from around they boy's neck, in preparation
for his impending climax. At the last instant he opened
the boy's legs wide and shot his load into the waiting cloth.
He then rested while he waited for his strength to return.
As Tim rested he started wondering if "his" boy had
reached puberty yet. He started by pushing the big
plastic buttons through their buttonholes. After opening
four of them he had exposed the boy down to the belt line.
He stroked the boy inside his shirt, but could feel only a
trace of downy hair on the soft skin on the boy's chest and
stomach. Going further, he unbuckled the military web
belt and started to unbutton the fatigue pants. In doing so
he exposed the final button of the fatigue shirt and
unfastened it also.
Now the boy's torso lay exposed, with only a pair of white
cotton briefs covering his goal. He gently grasped each
side of them and folded them down, exposing the boy's
private parts. A gentle physical examination determined
that yes indeed the boy's testicles had dropped and there
was definitely some hair forming in the pubic region. But,
wanting final confirmation, he took the boy's penis in his
hand and gently began to manipulate it. Stopping every
so often to moisten his hand, he massaged the boy's penis
until first it was stiff and hard and then it started to ooze
some pre-cum from the tip. He then kept the kerchief at
the ready and as the first spurt appeared he covered the
head of the penis, to prevent the soiling of either of their
garments. Though the boy had been relaxed during most
of the process, he now started to squirm around a bit and it
was necessary for Tim to hold him in place with one arm
while his other hand teased the last drops from the boy's
throbbing organ.
Then Tim rolled a bit to one side, easing the boy to the
blanket beside him. He then buttoned up his panties and
refastened both sides of the cashmere pants. He then
kneeled over the boy and buttoned his fatigues back up to
protect him from the chill. He did the shirt first and then
tucked it in and buttoned the boy's fly. A spirit of
mischievousness came over him and he unbuttoned the
bottom button of the boy's fly, wondering as he did so if
this would result in the boy having a similar adventure to
his with Cindy in the woods.
He looked over at Paul, who was lying motionless with his
boy on top of him just as Tim had been a moment ago.
Paul had drank a bit more wine than Tim had so that when
he saw Tim undressing his boy (and guessed correctly
why), he had only gotten as far as opening the boy's
clothes and inserting his hand under the boy's jockey
shorts before deciding to have a nap. Tim decided to wake
Paul in an interesting way, so he moved the boy to one side
and closed the boy's fatigues but did not fasten them. He
then started opening Paul's clothes, starting with the
jacket. Next he unbuttoned Paul's jumper from the
bottom up, caressing Paul's legs on the way up. Then he
untied the bow on Paul's blouse. "Just like Christmas", he
thought as he gently unbuttoned the blouse, enjoying the
show as more of Paul's flesh came into view. Finally, only
the panties remained. He unbuttoned them quickly and
then bending closer, took Paul's penis in his mouth. As he
massaged and sucked it, it became large and rigid in his
mouth. Taking as much of it into his mouth as he could he
continued to stimulate it until he felt the first shot of Paul's
juice slide down his throat. He heard a low moan and then
suddenly Paul was awake. He grabbed Paul's hips to keep
him from moving around too much and then waited a few
seconds for Paul to get his bearings. When he heard a
sigh of content, he continued until the last drop was gone.
Then, while Paul basked in the afterglow Tim wondered, "I
wonder what it tastes like when it's fresh?".
So he slid over to Paul's young boy and opened his clothes
and pulled his underpants away from his cock. He
performed the same service on the boy that he did on
Paul, but a bit more gently in order to lessen the chance of
waking him up. The boy did move and moan a bit during
his climax, but the wine was sufficient to keep him asleep
through the experience. Tim then tenderly redressed the
boy and gave him a small kiss on the forehead.
During Tim's desert, Paul had made himself presentable
again and they tried to decide what to do next. Looking at
the two young boys they thought, if we knew what we know
now when we were their age, think what we would know
NOW. Simultaneously, they said, "Let's take them back
to the house and educate them".
This ends the first part of the series "Special Friends, in the
beginning", the next part of the series will start with "The Apprentices".