Archive-name: Changes/pi.txt
Archive-author: Karen Albright
Archive-title: Private Investigation, A
There are many parts of society that remain shrouded in mystery, and the
world of private investigators is just such a part of society. Its
players remain largely unknown outside their clients, their counterparts,
the police, and other restricted groups of people. Clinton Crayle had
been an exception to that generalization. While his ability to dealing
with kinky sex crimes was a very special area, he was generally known for
those exploits. Currently, however, the problem facing the community was
that no one knew where he was. He had not been seen or heard from for
over a year, and that left a small, but significant, group of "problems"
without solution.
A young private investigator, Joseph Wilcox, tried to step into
Mr. Crayle's shoes, and fill this need.
My name is Joseph Wilcox, as a private investigator with 5 years
experience I felt that I had the skills to prosper in this specialized
"Market". To get a start, I had researched as much of Crayle's work as I
could find, which was very little because most of Crayle's clients
required absolute secrecy. I had located the names of only a few people
who had met him, including a woman named Evelyn Traynor. Those who had
been willing to talk to me told me of many cases that Crayle had resolved
by masquerading very convincingly as a woman, but my only clues as to how
Crayle accomplished that feat were that the woman named Traynor had
helped, and no-one had seen or heard from her for over a year either.
I have some of the traits that made Clinton Crayle successful. I am a
slight man, with a boyish face and light facial hair. Lacking a resource
like Traynor, I spent a some time "undercover" in the transvestite
community to learn some of the secrets that they had used. In the
process, I had located a few sources of ideas and a few stores that
catered to transvestites.
Even though this was little to start with, I let it be known that I was
capable of handling the kinds of cases that Crayle specialized in, and I
waited for the business to build.
Initially, my efforts turned into a few cases of proving adultery for
divorce cases, and finding run-away girls who had turned to prostitution.
These had paid well, but had required no talents beyond those that any
good private investigator might possess. Undaunted, I continued to seek
strange kinds of cases, and was finally rewarded with a curiously cryptic
message on my answering machine one afternoon. The message was simply to
please call a Samantha Edgars, the private secretary of the head-mistress
of a very small, private girls college in an adjoining county. I knew
little about the school, and could not find out anything easily, so I
simply returned the call. I was rewarded with a very alluring voice on
the other end.
"Good morning, Highland Forest Academy", she said.
"Hello. I am Joe Wilcox" I replied. "How may I help you"
"Oh, Mr. Wilcox!" she responded. "Miss Abernathy is expecting your call.
Please hold while I tell her you are on the line."
There was a momentary pause, and an equally alluring voice said "Good
Morning Mr. Wilcox. I am Edith Abernathy, the headmistress of The
Academy, and I desperately need to talk with you. Can you meet with me
this afternoon?"
I did not want to appear without work, but I knew that I could not pass up
this opportunity. "I have a busy afternoon, but I believe that I can make
time. When would you like to meet?"
"I will be finished with our regular lunch period at 1:00 PM." She
replied. "Can we meet then?"
"Certainly!" I answered. "I will see you then."
Not wanting to appear ignorant, I did not even ask for directions to the
school, and I soon found out that it was difficult to locate. I finally
found it with the help of an old friend in the tax assessment office.
There I learned that the Academy was located on a huge, wooded parcel of
land about 25 miles away. The only access was via a small, back country
road that led North from town. Lacking more data, I left immediately in
the hopes of learning more about the school.
The drive was not difficult, even though the roads were poorly maintained
once they left the main highway. I soon saw a small sign that indicated
that the school was just a short distance away, so I slowed down. In about
a mile, I noticed a high, chain link fence, with a barbed wire top. It
emerged from the woods, turned, and ran along the right side of the road.
I followed it for at least a mile until I saw a large, brick gateway. The
top of the gateway said "Highland Forest Academy". I got out of the car,
and walked toward the gate to a small box that said "Phone". I opened it,
and followed the instructions for dialing. After a short discussion with
someone at the other end of the phone, the name Ms. Abernathy got some
I returned to my car, and had barely started the motor when the gates
slowly opened. I drove through, and noted that they immediately closed
behind me. I followed the road through the forest for at least a half a
mile until it opened onto a beautiful open area, with a number of Gothic
granite buildings at the other end. To one side, there were three playing
fields with soccer and field hockey goals, and a well developed running
One of the buildings was next to the fields, and looked like a gymnasium.
The one next to it, with its clock tower and tall windows, appeared to be
the classrooms and administrative areas, and the others one must have been
dormitories for the students.
I parked my car in the small parking area, I straightened my tie, grabbed
my brief case, and walked toward the front door of the middle building.
It and had a crest above the door that said, "Discipline leads to
Inside the door was a small listing of offices that indicated that Ms.
Abernathy's office was on the first floor, to the right, so I immediately
went there. Inside the door, I was met by a strikingly beautiful blond.
"Hello Mr. Wilcox. Ms. Abernathy is expecting you."
"Thank you" I responded as she led me to a large door to one side of the
office. She knocked, and I could barely hear some sort of response. The
girl opened the door, and I had a view of a very large room, very
tastefully decorated in Victorian furniture and fixtures. We walked
inside, and the woman gestured to the left. There was an empty desk, some
chairs, and a couch. Pointing to the couch, the secretary said "Please
have a seat. Miss Abernathy will be right with you."
Very quickly, I heard the adjoining door begin to open, and I stood up.
As I did, an even more beautiful woman entered the room. She was dressed
in a severe business suit, with long, straight blond hair, five inch
stiletto heeled shoes, and a body that looked sexy even in the formal
suit. "Good afternoon Mr. Wilcox. I am Edith Abernathy. Thank you for
making time to talk with me."
"It is my pleasure", I replied.
"Please sit down and let me explain the situation", she responded. She
walked quickly toward the couch and sat down beside him. "Mr. Wilcox, do
you know anything about Highland Forest Academy?" she asked.
"No, I don't." I replied. "Even though I tried to learn out about it."
"Well!", she replied. "Highland Forest Academy is a very special sort of
college. We provide schooling and training for the daughters of a select
few very wealthy families. We specialize in "evolving" these ladies into
very beautiful women, with tremendous poise and character. As you can
guess, their parents do not want anyone to know that their daughters have
undergo such training, so everything that we do is surrounded with great
care and secrecy. That is why there is such high security to enter the
"I see", I replied. "But, what kind of training do you provide?"
"I will tell you in good time!" she snapped. "Please let me finish!
I was startled by her abrupt tone, particularly coming from such a
beautiful woman, so I rested back against the couch and listened.
"My reason for calling you has to do with a seeming problem in our
security", she continued. "You see, three of our students have
"Oh" I replied cautiously.
"Yes." she replied. "Even with our tight security, three ladies could not
be located at roll-call last Monday morning. We conducted a search of the
campus, but have been unable to find any clues as to their location. As
you can guess, we will loose our reputation as an institution of extreme
discretion if we can not locate these ladies. Their parents have made a
tremendous investment in their future here at Highland Forest, and they
will surely sue us into bankruptcy if we can not locate their daughters."
"I can understand", I commented. "When were they last seen?"
"They were present for the bed-check on Sunday night." she replied. "But
they were gone the next morning before breakfast."
"I can understand your problem, before we continue, I have a lot to learn
about your school," I commented. "Can we start with a quick tour of the
"Certainly", she replied. "Samantha can take you around the campus."
She stood up, moved quickly to the intercom on her desk, and said
"Samantha, please take Mr. Wilcox for a tour." As she moved, I could only
marvel at her tremendous beauty. Her striking figure made even a woman's'
business suit look alluring, and her beautiful face, with pouting lips,
was almost an open invitation to kiss. I felt an erection straining in my
pants as I sat there.
Samantha Edgar walked into the room, and talked quietly with Ms.
Abernathy. She too, was incredibly beautiful. She and Edith exchanged
glances, and she came back to the couch. "Will you please come with me?"
She asked.
I stood up quickly. Fearing that my now raging erection might be apparent,
I held my coat in front of myself as I moved away from the couch. "It
would be my pleasure," I answered.
"Samantha will give you a quick tour of the campus," Edith commented.
"Then we should discuss how you might help us."
I was having difficulty keeping from staring at Samantha Edgar as I
followed her out of the room. She said "Please follow me and we can go
through this building quickly."
Trying to concentrate on the school was very difficult with Samantha with
me, but I tried to remember details as we walked down the hall. The first
floor contained mostly offices of various administrative functions. I saw
doors with titles like "Dean of Academics", Dean of Students", Security",
"Admissions", "Finance", Buildings and Grounds", and "Food services". All
of the doors were open, and in those that I could look into, I saw sparse
offices, with incredibly beautiful secretaries. In both the Security and
the Buildings and Grounds offices, the secretaries were talking with other
striking women. From the outside, the building had seemed to have long
corridors extending toward the back, but the main hall ended at a large
door. "This is the Dining Hall," Samantha commented as she opened the
huge doors.
Inside, there was a large room, equipped as a dining hall should be. The
menu selections posted near the door all contained calorie data beside
each selection, but nothing seemed worthy of note.
We left the dining room, and walked toward the other end of the main
hall. After passing the main entrance, the hall contained more
administrative offices, and another large door at the end. This one had a
sign "Medical Clinic."
Samantha opened the door, and there was a small waiting room, with a
nurse sitting at the desk. She, like the rest of the women that I had
seen, was strikingly beautiful. Samantha turned, and left the room before
I could ask if the clinic took up the whole side of the building.
We walked up a set of stairs, and down the long halls. Here, the halls
extended in a large U shape, with class rooms, each carefully numbered,
arranged on each side. It was in the middle of classes, so most rooms
were occupied. The few that were open were very well equipped, I noticed
that none of the rooms seemed to have more that about 10 chairs around the
Only one room had a teacher at her desk, but she, like all others he had
seen, was beautiful.
We descended via stairs at the middle of the hall, and left the building
through the front door. Once outside, she turned toward the large
building that had been on the right as I entered. "Let's go to the
gymnasium next," she commented.
The gymnasium, was pretty much what I had expected. I also noticed three
large exercise rooms, and two rooms with mirrored walls and a bar for
dancing practice. What surprised me most was the huge, fully equipped
exercise room with Nautilus machines, and weights.
The dormitory also was pretty much what I expected. While we did not
leave the lobby, Samantha explained that each suite held two girls, and
each floor had a teacher living there to keep things "running smoothly".
The lobby contained a large TV, several couches, and some vending
machines. As we left, Samantha commented, "All 200 of our students live
here. Even local students must stay on campus while they are in school."
As we entered the main building again, a loud buzzer rang, and the sound
level increased dramatically. "The classes change rooms by grade,"
Samantha commented. "The younger ones move first, then the older
As we stood outside the main office, I was impressed with the order of
the students as they moved between classes. As subsequent bells rang, I
began to notice that, while all of the girls were attractive, each class
seemed to be more beautiful than the last.
Back in the office of Ms. Abernathy, I pulled up a chair before her desk.
"Well, what do you think about the school?" she asked.
"I am impressed," I responded. "Your facilities are all well planned,
and the students seem very well behaved."
"Thank you," she replied. "We believe that we provide a unique
environment to help young women mature into beautiful ladies."
"Please tell me more about the school's training," I asked.
Ms. Abernathy paused for a moment, and then spoke with carefully chosen
words. "The parents of our students are all very wealthy. They demand
the best of everything, and we try to please them. We provide a very
rigorous education for all grades. We are, in fact, regularly at the top
of the state for National Merit Finalists, even with a very small student
"That is admirable," I commented. "They all seem to be exceptionally
beautiful ladies."
Ms. Abernathy paused again. "One of our other strengths is our training
in poise and manners," she replied. "We require strict dietary control,
vigorous exercise, and extensive figure training as a part of every
students' ongoing life at Highland Forest. We even provide limited
cosmetic surgery and advice for families who believe that their child
needs special attention."
She paused for a third time, then said "Well Mr. Wilcox, can you help us
find our missing children?"
I thought for a minute, and replied, "Yes, but I will need a day or two
to obtain some data." I paused again, trying to think as fast as I could.
"Do you have pictures of the missing girls?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied, as she pulled a small envelope from her desk. They
were three very beautiful girls, just like all that I had seen.
I took the envelope, "Thank you, I will return this once I solve the case.
One other matter," I said as I thought. "I will need to have one of my
employees admitted to your school. I believe that she looks young enough
that she can fit right into your student body. Can that be arranged?"
Ms. Abernathy looked concerned, but she replied, "Well, I believe that we
can allow that if there is no other way. We will have to require that
your employee abide by all of our rules and regulations."
"Certainly," I responded. "She must appear to be just an ordinary
student. One thing that would help would be if she could use the room and
all of the clothing of one of the missing girls."
Again, she paused. "I believe that that can be arranged. Your employee
must be young looking, and about 5' 6" in height."
I almost sighed in relief. Now a plan was beginning to form in my mind.
"I will call you tomorrow to arrange for the new student," I said. "I
believe that I know just the right person for this work."
"Fine, just bill us for your fees when you find the girls," she commented
as she stood up. "I hope that you realize how important it is to us to
find out the breach in our security. We will loose our students, and our
reputation, if word of this disappearance gets out. You, and your
employees, must maintain absolute secrecy in this matter."
"Don't worry, you can count on me to help you," I commented as I left the
Back in my office, I began to think about ways to solve the Academy case.
I thought to himself, "how would Crayle have solved this?" The obvious
answer was that Crayle would have disguised himself as a girl, and gone to
the school as a student. That sounded easy, but how could I do that? I
increased my research into possible ways.
One clue that I had found from my studies of Crayle's methods was a name,
NB Enterprises. I had no idea what it was, so I looked it up in the phone
book, found an address, and drove past it.
NB Enterprises turned out to be a small office in an older building in
the business district. I parked my car, and went to the office. Inside,
I found nothing but a small office, with a beautiful receptionist. I had
no idea what they did, so I decided to try a ploy. "Good afternoon," I
said to the receptionist. "You were recommended to me by a Mr. Crayle."
She looked at me and replied, "Certainly, please have a seat. What was
your name?"
"Wilcox, Joseph Wilcox," I replied.
She then typed something into the small computer on her desk, waited for
its response, and then made a quick phone call. She then turned back to
me and said, "Are you here to get some M/X?"
M/X must have meant Metacalpholate-X I thought. That was one of the
things that I had heard vague references to that Crayle used for my
disguises. "Yes," I replied.
She disappeared for at least 5 minutes, and then returned with a small
box. She opened it carefully, checked its contents, and then turned to
me. "This is the latest batch Mr. Wilcox. We have made substantial
changes since we last sold it to Mr. Crayle."
"Oh," I responded. "What are those differences?"
She looked at me quizzically, and answered, "As we told him, we have
separated the product into different compounds, and it took a lot of work
to do that. The old M/X used to provide three effects at once,
development of secondary female sexual characteristics in a male,
enhancement of certain of those characteristics such as breast size, and
significant enhancement of female sexual drive, even in a male."
"With this batch, the first compound, M/X-2 provides just secondary female
sexual characteristics, similar to an extended female hormone dosage.
Breasts develop, hair grows longer, fat displaces to the hips and breasts
from the waist, the voice becomes higher, and body hair decreases. In
addition, with this batch, the penis and scrotum change shape to perfectly
imitate a female vagina, complete with clitoris, and labia, that can take
a full sized penis exactly like a woman, and provide climaxes like a
woman's. The resulting physical changes are to the figure of an averagely
proportioned woman, with a thin waist, normal hips, and about a 34A bust."
"The second compound enhances certain characteristics, primarily breast
size. It enlarges breasts on both women, and M/X converted males,
proportional to the amount administered. It must be used with care. A
little will produce substantial changes."
"The third compound provides the same increases in sexual drive that
the old M/X developed. Again, be careful of the dosage. Results are
proportional to the amount administered."
"The final vial is Metacalpholate-Y, the antidote of M/X. This will
reverse all of the changes that M/X makes. Just be sure that M/Y never
mixes with either of the other three," she continued. "It must always be
administered separately, from its own syringe. If it mixes, the results
are unpredictable, but we believe that it will both multiply the effects
of the other three, and also substantially prolong their duration.
Instead of the 3 to 4 months of changes normally experienced with M/X, the
changes seem to last much longer, possibly permanently."
"Well, I will have to be very careful," I said. "What is the price?"
"$4,000 for this dosage," she replied quickly.
I gulped, but I had no choice. There was no other way that I knew to
solve the case, so I paid and quickly left the office. Now I had a way to
get into the school.
Back at my office, I called Ms. Abernathy and told her that my "employee",
Megan Cartright, would be the new student that I had suggested. I
suggested that she be a Senior at the school, because the missing girls
were all Seniors. I said that Megan would be at the school the following
Sunday to start classes. She would arrive in a chauffeured limousine at
about 2:00 PM. Ms. Abernathy agreed.
I also asked that the clothes of the missing girls be sent immediately to
my office, as well as their luggage. Ms. Abernathy agreed, and a small
van appeared within 2 hours with 6 trunks of girls clothes and school
With all of the clothes, I now had a plan in place. I hoped to do some
additional investigations of the missing girls' parents and then I could
get to work.
By Friday, I had found little about the families of the missing girls
other than having memorized their pictures. I only knew that they all
lived over 500 miles away from the school. I was running out of time, and
I knew that I would need time to adapt to my disguise, so I stopped that
afternoon, and prepared for my change.
I opened the box from ND Enterprises with caution. Inside I found a
small case carefully packed with 4 vials, and 2 syringes. The vials were
marked M/X-2, MX Enhancer, Behavior Modifier, and M/Y. One syringe was
marked M/X, and the other M/Y.
My plan was to start with just the M/X-2. I did not want to stand out
from the rest of the class, and I wanted to see all of the training that
Highland Forest provided. With that in mind, I read the enclosed dosage
information, determined that for my body weight, and for average
development I required 250 units, and filled the M/X syringe with that
much M/X. I was scared, and my hands shook as I carefully took the
syringe and injected its contents into my right hip. Then I undressed and
sat on my bed to await the change.
The drug seemed to feel warm as it spread throughout my body, but
initially I felt nothing else, then I became very sleepy, and lost
I awoke with a start. The clock beside the bed said 11:35 PM. I had
been asleep for almost 4 hours. I moved slowly in bed and everything felt
different, but I could not describe how it felt different.
The first thing that I noticed was that I had long hair that moved on my
shoulders as I moved my head. I reached up to touch it, and saw that it
was light blond. I then sat up, and felt my chest move as I did. Again I
reached up, and touched breasts on my chest. The amazing part of the
sensation was the warmth that spread throughout my body as my hands
touched my new, large nipples. I looked down and saw two average sized
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stood up. I felt a new
center of gravity, with new weight on my chest, and enlarged hips as I
moved toward a mirror. The mirror showed a slight, attractive girl, who
could have been anywhere from 17 to 25 years old. She had a slim waist,
an attractive face, slim hands and feet, prominent but not large boobs,
long blond hair, wide hips, and just a triangle of hair between her legs.
Instinctively, I reached between my legs. The change was complete. My
fingers went into a slit between my legs, and a new, pleasant sensation
spread over my body again. I was both excited and afraid. I was now a
complete woman to anyone but a doctor who had performed a complete
physical exam. This was a perfect disguise, but I was afraid that I could
not carry it off. The new sensations were so alien to me that I had to
sit down for a bit and rest.
I then went to the 6 trunks, and began to look at the clothes in them. I
quickly found that 1 of the girls was too small, so I closed her trunks
and used the trunks that belonged to the remaining 2. They contained all
sorts of girls clothes which I quickly sorted into piles. Feeling
exposed, I first picked out a pair of panties and a bra and put them on.
It felt funny to be wearing girls' clothing, but I knew that I had no
other way to solve the case.
Wearing just bra and panties, I looked sexy even to himself. They felt
smooth as I pulled them on, and the support that the bra provided, once I
got it on, made me feel less off balance. It felt so strange to see
myself as a girl in the mirror.
I then concentrated on the other clothes. I initially tried the school
uniforms. They were white blouses, short plaid skirts, white stockings,
and loafers. The uniform made me look exactly like all of the girls that
I had seen changing classes the day I had been at the school. What a
strange feeling to look into a mirror and see a young girl looking back!
Next, I tried the casual clothing. It included only skirts, blouses,
sweaters, and a few simple dresses. I could find no slacks at all.
Again, they were easy to wear and comfortable.
The dressy clothes were more difficult to wear. I had to master wearing
pantyhose, slips, and strapless dresses before I felt that I had tried
them all out. The most difficult items were the high heeled shoes. I
found that they fit, but were difficult to get used to. I finally took
off the last dress, but left the shoes on just to practice.
I looked at the clock. It read 3:00AM. It was getting late, so I found
a nightgown, and pulled it on. The silky feeling as is slid on was great,
and I felt the warm feeling between my legs again as I finally got into
The bright sun of mid-day finally awoke me, and I was initially startled
at my condition, until I remembered what I had done the previous day. I
got up and took a shower, and put the nightgown back on. I pulled on the
high heels to practice some more. They were very hard to get used to, and
I constantly stumbled as I walked around my house. I then spent almost 2
hours practicing with the makeup that was in the trunk. I was not very
successful, so I decided to use minimal amounts, and let the school teach
me how to use it. With that in mind, I put on some subdued lipstick, and
some fingernail polish and considered that enough for now. Then I spent a
few minutes in front of the mirror, combing my long hair.
I began to like the smooth feel of the nightgown, and the sensation of it
rubbing against my new, big nipples was erotic. As I went about the task
of closing up my house, and choosing and packing my new clothes, I
gradually learned to walk well in the high heels. I figured that I had to
overcome that obstacle before arriving at school. I carefully selected
the clothes that I felt looked best, and packed them in 2 trunks. The
first items that I put into the trunk were the vials and syringes from NB
Enterprises. I concealed them, and some additional "tools of the trade"
like a very small camera, in a false bottom that I had put into one of the
trunks. I also spent some time watching old movies with attractive woman
stars to learn some feminime mannerisms.
That night, I slept better, and awoke early on Sunday morning. I spent
some time cleaning up the house, and practicing with the leftover make-up.
By about 11:00 AM, I had pretty well closed up the house and packed. I
had no idea how long I would be away, so the mail was on hold, the paper
was stopped, the utilities were paid for the next 6 months, and the heat
was turned down. I could not decide what to wear, but with a 1:00PM
arrival of a limousine, I finally decided on a rather dressy outfit, with
skirt and coat, over a lacy blouse. I loved the feel of the pantyhose,
and the slip, as I pulled them on, and the suit looked very expensive. I
used very little make-up, just some lipstick and nail polish, and I felt
ready for my new life as a college student. As I looked at myself in the
mirror, I could feel a stirring between my legs as my male needs began to
react to the attractive girl I had become.
The limousine arrived, and the driver loaded the 2 trunks into the back.
He seemed attracted to me as he held the door, and I was surprised at my
new, high voice as I said "Thank you."
At 2:00PM, the limousine pulled up at the Highland Forest administration
building. I was initially concerned about what would happen then, but Ms.
Abernathy quickly appeared from the building door. The driver opened the
door and Ms. Abernathy said "Hello," as I climbed discretely from the car.
I was afraid that he might recognize me, but that did not prove to be a
"Hello," I said in the new, high voice. "I am Megan Cartright."
"Mr. Wilcox said that you would be coming. We are glad to have
you," Ms. Abernathy replied. "Let me take you to your room." She walked
slowly toward one of the dormatories. "Did Mr. Wilcox tell you of our
"Yes Mam," I replied. "He also explained how sensitive
the issue is to the school. I am sure that we can solve your problem."
We entered the front door of one dormitory, and climbed a set of stairs
to one side. On the second floor, we entered the main hall and walked to
the end door. Ms. Abernathy knocked and a beautiful woman opened the
door. "This is the new student, Megan Cartright. Megan, this is Ms.
Wallace, the teacher who lives on this floor."
"Hello Megan," she responded. "Won't you both come in for a
"Hello, Mam," I responded politely as I followed Ms. Abernathy
into the apartment. "I am pleased to meet you."
"Ms. Wallace teaches gymnastics," Ms. Abernathy commented. "She
is in charge of this floor. If you have any problems, she can help you."
"Yes," Ms. Wallace responded. "Once you get settled, please come down so
that we can talk."
"Thank you, I will," I responded as we turned and left.
At the other end of the hall, Ms. Abernathy stopped at a closed
door, numbered 238. She knocked, and a voice said "Please come in."
She opened the door, and a beautiful young woman in a skirt and
blouse stood up from her chair. She was statuesque, with large breasts
thrusting against the silk blouse, and beautiful legs. Her hair was
perfectly styled and cut, and her make-up was perfect. "Stephanie
Hickock, this is Megan Cartright."
"Hello," Stephanie replied. "Welcome to Highland Forest. I heard that
you would be coming and have been expecting you."
"I am pleased to meet you," I replied. I stepped into the
room, and saw that it was a sitting area, with adjoining bed rooms on both
sides. My trunks were sitting inside the door of one of the rooms.
Ms. Abernathy turned to go and said "Megan, dinner is at 6:00PM, I
am sure that Stephy can help you get settled. We are glad that you
decided to come to our school".
"Thank you Ms. Abernathy," I replied.
I was getting more concerned about how to act among these
beautiful girls, and I was afraid that my male drives would ruin my
disguise. I had no idea what they would talk about, or be interested in.
Initially, I decided to spend some time putting things into my room, so I
started arranging clothes in the dresser and closets I found. "Let me
know if I can help," Stephy called from the next room. "We all put our
trunks under the beds."
"Thanks, but I am OK,' I responded as I finished the first trunk
and opened the second. I unpacked it, and pushed it under the bed. I then
undressed, hung up my suit, and put on a casual skirt and sweater. The
sight of myself, a grown man, in bra and bikini panties, with a beautiful
feminine figure was confusing to me. It felt good to take off the high
heels, and put on the comfortable loafers, but I felt tremendously torn
between my desire to solve this case, and my fears of having to live this
new life. I really had no choice at this point, so I checked my hair,
brushed it a little, took a deep breath, and walked into the sitting room.
"Well, that is finished," I commented idly. "Now maybe I can rest."
"Where are you from, Megan?" Stephy asked.
"From a New York suburb in New Jersey," I responded as I sat down. "How
about you?"
"From the West Coast of Oregon," Stephy answered. "We are both a long
way from home. Did your parents come with you?"
"No," I answered. "They are divorced. I took a plane here
myself, and Dad arranged for a limo at the airport."
We chatted idly for a while, and I became more comfortable with Stephy,
but I still had to be careful of my mannerisms so that they would not give
me away. As long as the talk stayed with current music, clothes, and
school, I was comfortable. When Stephy began to talk about boys, I felt
uncomfortable, but tried not to seem disturbed. Suddenly, a knock at the
door prompted a "Please come in," from Stephy. Then Ms. Wallace walked
in. "Hello Ms. Wallace," Stephy responded.
"Hello Ms. Wallace," I said also.
"Hello girls," he answered. "Megan, why not come to my apartment
for a while."
"Yes, Mam," I answered as I stood up, remembered to smooth my
skirt as I stood up, and walked out of the room. Stephy was smiling.
"Megan, I will explain some of the rules to you," Ms. Wallace
began. "You have started late and have missed the orientation that the
other girls had in the late summer. There is really not much to learn,
but we are firm in our requirements. Remember, we are training you to be
a beautiful, poised woman, and that requires a certain amount of
discipline. We have a dress code," she continued. "During school hours,
you must wear a full school uniform. For dinner, you must dress up in
dressy clothes of your choosing. Any infraction is punishable at the
discretion of the faculty member who finds out that you are not fully
dressed. After dinner, and on the weekends, casual wear, such as you have
on now, is permissible, as long as it is discrete. Occasionally, we have
a formal party, and you must wear a formal gown then. Do you have any
questions about this so far?"
"No, Mam," I answered.
"Good," she replied. "On Monday, you will receive a short
physical examination to see what exercises and diet are warranted, but
from your current condition, I think that you are in pretty good shape.
Then, our finishing school instructors will interview you, and recommend
improvements in your appearance and clothing. New clothing and other
improvement actions are entirely financed by the school. I think that
this is the area where we will need to do some work."
"What ever you say Ms. Wallace," I answered.
"Academically we are most demanding. Your class schedule is determined
by your class, so you will be taking the regular Senior classes," she
continued. "We require participation in at least one sport each season.
You can pick your favorite from those available. Athletics are from
3:30PM to 5:00PM. You have 30 Minutes to dress,
and then dinner is at 6:00PM. Stephy can help you with all of this. Is
that OK?"
"Yes Mam," I responded. I was becoming more concerned about what
I was getting into. After all, Crayle had done this many times, but this
was my first attempt at such a disguise.
"It is almost time for dinner," Ms. Wallace remarked. "You had
better go back to your room and get dressed."
As I walked back to my room, I thought about the past two days. I
was having trouble getting my roles straight. The new sensations of the
M/X induced changes, my new breasts, my new voice, and my virtual
imprisonment at the school all concerned me. This was compounded by my
sudden need to learn to act as a young woman. I was worried that someone
would find out who I really was, and then I would not be able to solve
this lucrative case. On the other hand, I could not stop being amazed to
see and feel myself in girls' clothing. The arousal that I felt when I
saw my new breasts, and the different feelings of the new clothing all
compounded my confusion.
Stephy and I talked some more, but by about 5:30, Stephy stopped talking
and said, "It is time to dress for dinner."
"What should I wear," I asked.
"We must dress up for dinners, let me pick it out for you," Stephy
answered as he walked into my bedroom. "Where did you hang your clothes?"
I pointed them out to Stephy, and she picked a low cut cocktail
dress, and high heeled, black shoes. From the dresser, she picked
panties, a tight girdle, an underwire bra, a slip, and pantyhose. "This
is the way we dress for dinner. During the day, you do not need the slip,
the pantyhose, and the high heels, but you must wear the school uniform of
skirt and blouse with white stockings and low brown shoes. For class, the
nametag goes on the pocket of your blouse."
I dressed quickly. What a strange feeling to again see woman's
breasts on my chest, and to be wearing a dressy woman's clothing. I was
surprised at how attractive I looked in the dress that Stephy had picked,
and I liked the sensations of the smooth slip as I pulled it over my body.
The dress left the tops of my breasts exposed, with a slight edging of
lace at the top. The silk material, with a tailored waist, emphasized my
slim waist and my hips. The girdle was very uncomfortable, but I knew I
had no choice but to wear it.
We both left the room and started to walk out of the dorm to the
administrative building. As we did, we were met by many other girls, all
well dressed. Stephy introduced me to many of them, all of them
beautifully made-up, and generously endowed. I felt that I looked like a
youngster next to these beautiful women, yet, they were all supposed to be
college seniors, not fashion models. I was concerned that I did not have
on much make-up, and I was obviously not as well endowed as my classmates.
Dinner was at long tables, with Ms. Wallace at one end of ours.
The girls took turns being waiters for the various courses, and I and
Stephy both cleaned the tables after dinner was done. Ms. Wallace
motioned to me and we walked to her once the tables were cleaned. "I have
made appointments with the clinic for a physical tomorrow morning, and a
finishing interview right after lunch. You should go to classes with
Stephy because roommates always take the same classes. That makes
studying easier."
"It is late, we had better hurry to our room before it is 7:00PM," Stephy
said suddenly, so we turned and walked quickly to the dorm.
We put on casual clothes, and at 7:00 promptly, Stephy went into
her room, and began to study. I sat in the sitting area and read a book
that was sitting there. It was about make-up techniques and appearance
Suddenly, the door opened, and Ms. Wallace walked in. She looked
into Stephy's room, and motioned for me to go into my room. "That is a
good book for you, but we all study in our own rooms," She announced as he
All was quiet for a moment, but then Stephy whispered, "She can be
a real bitch," from the other room. I stayed silent as I read the book.
Again, mixed feelings of being trapped in the body of a young girl flooded
over me as I read. There I was, dressed in a skirt and blouse, and there
was so much that I did not know that I was afraid that I would tip-off the
faculty at the school. More importantly, I was beginning to like the
feelings I had while I was dressed as a girl, and that scared me.
At 11:00, Stephy left her room, and put some music on her tape
player. It was a currently popular group, so I at least knew its name.
We chatted for a while, and then two girls appeared at the door. "Hi
Cindy and Leslie," Stephy said. "Did you meet Megan at dinner?"
"No," said the taller one. "Hello, I am Cindy Jacobson, and this
is Leslie Harken. We are in the room next door, 240"
"Hello," I responded. "Megan Cartright, pleased to meet
They were both as striking as Stephy. We all chatted for a while,
and then had to stop at 11:30 so that we could wash and get ready for bed.
Stephy took off her clothes, except a bra and panties, took a towel and
cosmetic kit from her dresser, and left for the bathroom. I did the same.
In the bathroom, I could hardly control himself. There I was, wearing
just a bra and panties, in the midst of 20 giggling, half naked girls,
brushing my teeth. I could not decide how to get used to it.
A buzzer sounded, and Stephy said, "Only 10 minutes, better get
back to our room."
Back in the room, we put on nightgowns, and talked for a few
minutes. I was getting used to the idle chatter and giggling that seemed
to be the norm among the girls, and I adapted himself to it as I seemed
able. Suddenly, another buzzer rang. "Time to go to sleep," commented
Stephy as he turned off the sitting area light, and walked into her room.
I turned and did the same.
I turned down the bed clothes, and felt a warm feeling as I slid
into bed in the silky nightgown. Again, I had trouble reconciling my
normal feelings as a grown man with my new circumstances. Here I was,
with long hair and breasts, living as a college co-ed, and feeling a
growing warmth between my legs as I thought about it.
I was tired, and quickly fell asleep. I was just in the middle of
a confusing dream, when I was shaken awake. It was Cindy standing over
her. "Time for your initiation," she announced as she pulled me out of
bed. "Make one sound, and we will be REALLY hard on you," she continued.
As Cindy pulled me out of the room, I saw about 5 girls,
including Megan, standing quietly in the sitting area. They all had
smiles on their faces. "Now it is time to become real friends," Cindy
commented as she pulled my nightgown off. "We all did this too," Cindy
said as she sat down on the couch, spread her legs apart, and said, "Eat
me 'til I come!"
I did not know how to act. One part of me looked forward to it,
the other part, my new feminine side, was repelled, but I kneeled down in
front of her, and buried my face in her cunt. This was nothing new to me,
so I performed well, and quickly heard a quiet moan as she came. I tried
to stand up, but was pushed down by the next girl, who did the same thing
as Cindy had. They all seemed almost sex starved. I felt a continual
stirring in my transformed organ as I serviced them all.
After all of them had been serviced, I tried to stand up, but they tied my
hands and feet, and then tied me to my bed. Cindy then looked through the
dresser, and pulled out all of the girdles.
"You must get through the first day without these," she announced. "We
all did it."
"But... I have a physical exam tomorrow," I pleaded.
"Too bad, you will have to fake it." was the reply. Then they
untied me, and all of them left except Stephy.
"You were great," she commented with a smile. "We are going to
have fun." Then she turned and left.
Part 2
By Karen Albright
In the morning, I got up, and went into the bathroom with Stephy.
None of the girls from the prior night seemed to say anything special
to me, they all just said, "Good morning Megan," and acted as though
nothing had happened.
Again, I was torn by the feelings I had showering with all of
these nubile young girls. I noticed that they all seemed to have Bra
cup sizes much bigger than mine, probably size C to my size A. I
dressed in a school uniform as quickly as I could, and rushed to
breakfast with Stephy.
Ms. Wallace was sitting at the breakfast table as the arrived.
"Good morning girls," she announced. "Megan, your physical is at
9:00AM," she continued, "And the finishing interview is at 1:00PM.
Please do not be late."
We finished breakfast, cleaned up our rooms, and went to classes
together. The first class was in English, and I was given the
appropriate books, and a very large catch-up assignment. The class
ended at 8:50, and I went cautiously to the medical clinic.
In the clinic, I waited nervously until the nurse came into the
waiting room. The nurse led me into an examining room, and told me to
strip to my panties and bra.
When the nurse got back, she weighed me, measured my height and
hip, waist, and bust measurements. I looked curiously as she wrote
them down. My height was 5" 6", but my weight was much reduced to 125
pounds. My measurements were 35-26-35. She then took a small blood
sample, and a urine sample, and then told me to get dressed again.
Once clothed, I walked to the waiting room and waited for the
nurse to return. She did so, along with a beautiful woman in a white
smock who was obviously a doctor. The doctor looked at the data
collected and mentioned something about scheduling something to the
nurse. Then she turned to me and said, "Your weight is good, and your
waist and hips are good, but we need to work on your bust to meet our
standards. We demand at least a C cup bust to graduate. I will give
you a hormone treatment that should help there.
The nurse returned and looked at me with a smile. "I see that you
did not have your girdle on. I will have to tell Ms. Wallace."
What could I say? I made an excuse about not knowing, but she
made no further comment as she opened the door of the clinic.
I finished the morning with Stephy, and we had an uneventful
lunch with the girls who had been in my room the night before. At
12:50, the others left, and Stephy showed me the way to the
"Finishing" interview.
As I walked into the room, I faced a table of three incredibly
beautiful women. I could not help but notice that everywhere I went,
everyone seemed more beautiful that I looked.
They asked me to stand next to a wall with lines drawn on it, and
they took a number of photographs of me. They were included in a
folder that was on the table. One of them took the same measurements
that the nurse had taken, and they discussed them quietly.
I sat nervously as they consulted a set of papers on the table,
and then they asked me a number of questions about my childhood. I
had to make up simple answers simple so that I could remember the
answers. Finally, they asked me to walk slowly back and forth in
front of the table.
I sat again to await their discussions. Finally, the woman in
the middle spoke. "Megan, we are glad to have you at Highland Forest.
We believe that we can provide the kind of training that you and your
parents would wish. We have reviewed the data from your physical, and
from this interview, and we note a number of areas where we must
intensify your training."
"We will start with your figure," she started. "You have
acceptable hip and waist size, but your breasts need augmentation to
meet our standards. We need to work you up to at least a C cup size."
"Yes, Mam," I answered. "The Doctor mentioned the same thing."
"OK, then it is not a surprise," she continued. "We will simply
provide you with some hormonal treatments which should solve that
problem, and we will provide new bras to accommodate the changes."
The tall woman at the end of the table then began to talk.
"Megan, we also believe that you need some exercising and posture
training if you are to become the beautiful women we know that you can
be. We will start a concentrated exercise program, along with other
measures, to help improve your posture. We also suggest that you take
dance instead of regular athletics for the next semester."
"Yes, Mam," I again responded.
"The other areas, such as cosmetics and dressing, will be covered
quickly through remedial classwork. We realize that this will give
you a large class load, but we believe that you can handle it," she
Suddenly, the doctor walked into the room, and talked with the
three women in hushed tones. They discussed something for some time,
and I became concerned about what they were talking about. They
finally stopped talking, and the woman in the middle said, "Thank you
Megan. You may leave now."
I quickly caught up to Stephy at the end of the next class, and we
finished the afternoon uneventfully.
After classes, we left our books in the dormitory, and went to
the gymnasium. Stephy was playing field hockey, and I had to take
dancing. The gym office gave me a locker, and combination lock, and I
got leotards, tights, shoes, and an athletic bra from the gym
trainer's office.
I dressed for dance, and was again aroused by the pretty picture
I made in front of the mirror. I still could not adapt to seeing
myself with wide hips, a slim waist, and breasts. The bright tights
and leotard made my girlish body even more definite. As the class
began, I became aroused when I saw all of the beautiful girl in the
tights and leotards.
The class was difficult. It was both demanding and strenuous.
Being new, and late, I was constantly learning things that the rest
knew. The teacher recognized that, and suggested that we schedule a
remedial session on Saturday, which I agreed to immediately.
After the dance class, I once again found myself in the midst of
a huge number of beautiful, nude women as we all showered and dressed.
That night, I was swamped with homework, and lights-out seemed to
come way too soon. Stephy and I climbed into bed, and she whispered,
"Wait until the bed check."
We lay quietly, and shortly Ms. Wallace stuck her head into the
sitting room, saw that all lights were out, and left without saying a
word. Stephy lay quiet for a few minutes, and then I heard her leave
her room. "Lets have some fun," he commented as I felt her lay down
on the bed. "Now it is my turn," was her comment as he pulled the
covers back, and pulled my nightgown up.
Immediately, she had her tongue into my cunt, and I felt waves of
pleasure move through my body. I moaned briefly, and she whispered,
"Be quiet. We can't let Wallace hear us."
I just lay back to savor the feeling. It was so different from
those that I had as a man. Once again, I was torn between my
masculine feelings, and the pleasures I felt as a woman, including the
entirely new sensations that I felt in my nipples.
Stephy and I played for at least an hour, bringing each to
multiple orgasms, before she quietly pointed to the clock, and left
the room. This was going to be fun I decided! The girls seemed to be
continually aroused and interested in sex.
Before the end of the Tuesday, I received a note from the medical
clinic. It was an appointment for Wednesday morning to meet with the
doctor. I had no idea what it was about, but I reported to the clinic
at 9:00AM.
The doctor appeared, holding the usual charts, and said, "Good
morning, Megan. This is the start of the treatments the Finishing
Committee recommended. Please lie down on this table, we will start
with a quick shot, and proceed from there.
The nurse entered the room, and took a syringe from a cabinet.
She filled it with some substance, and gave it to the doctor, who
immediately said, "This will just pinch a bit." she gave me the shot,
and left me on the table. I lay there for a while, became sleepy, and
quickly fell asleep.
I awoke with a start. I was not in the medical clinic room that I
had remembered. I tried to move, but my arms were secured to the
sides of the bed. I tried to sit-up, but could not because of my
The doctor appeared. "Well, I see that you are awake," she
commented as she walked toward the bed. "I hope that you are feeling
all right. While administering the hormones, we took the opportunity
for some slight corrections that the Finishing Committee requested."
I moaned and pulled against the bonds that tied me to the bed.
"Don't be alarmed, there were some minor changes we did to make
you even more attractive than you were, and the restraints were used
so that you did not disturb the bandages," the doctor replied. "That
does not matter now, because I am going to remove them today." She
took a pair of scissors from a small table, and came toward me. "Just
hold still, this is easy," she said casually as she reached toward my
face with the scissors. I had not realized it, but there were
bandages on much of my face except my eyes. She cut around my mouth,
cheeks, ears, and neck. "Well, that looks much better. Why don't you
get up and look for yourself," she said as she released my wrists.
I stood up slowly, and immediately felt a heavier weight on my
chest. My inclination was to feel my breasts, but I decided that that
was not the thing to do. I turned and walked to a mirror on the wall.
The face looking back at me was mine, but it had been subtly
changed. My nose was smaller, with a "button" end. My lips had a
definite pout to them, and my cheek bones seemed higher. All-in-all,
the effect was very much an improvement. My face was now much
prettier than it had been. As I looked down, I noticed that the
change to my figure was much more dramatic. My breasts now stuck
prominently from the plain hospital gown. They were much larger than
I remembered them.
"What do you think," the doctor commented. "I think that these
subtle facial changes were good suggestions from the Committee, and
the liposuction at your waist will mean that strict dietary
restrictions will be unnecessary if you can keep at this weight. In
addition, the hormonal injections have corrected the other
deficiencies that they noticed in your figure. You now have breasts
that will easily pass our graduation requirements as to size and
shape. We measured them as 36C yesterday. You have a 24 inch waist,
and 35 inch hips to go with your new C cup breasts. This is a new
treatment for breast augmentation that I believe is much preferable to
surgery. It is a new compound that enhances breast size through
normal body functions and normal growth of fatty tissue. It is called
M/X, and we use it extensively now."
M/X! The thought even scared me. What would more of that
compound do to me now. I remembered what the woman had said as she
sold me the M/X compounds. "Will the hormones cause a permanent
change? I won't have to do this again, will I?" I asked.
"We are not sure." the doctor answered. "All of our use to date
has indicated that the changes are permanent, but you should not be
concerned. We at Highland Forest are very concerned about our
students. We are careful about our procedures, and that has given us
the fine reputation that we now have. You can be sure that we will
monitor the effects of the M/X, and will correct for any unplanned
effects that occur. If you have no further questions, your clothes
are in the closet, and you can get dressed and return to your normal
school activities."
She turned, and left quickly. I walked quickly to the closet and
found my school clothes. I took off the hospital gown, and looked
into the mirror. What a change! I had a body that would stop
traffic. My waist seemed much thinner, and my breasts were
significantly larger. I became aroused just looking at myself. Those
changes, along with the subtle facial changes, made me look like a
Hollywood starlet. What was I going to do now? What would happen
once I had solved this case? What else could they have done while I
was asleep from the anesthesia? I should have questioned Ms.
Abernathy's comment about "training" more carefully.
It turned out to be Friday afternoon so I had no more classes for
a while. Back in the room, Stephy and I talked a bit before we had to
go to dinner. She commented that everyone had gone through similar
changes when they came to Highland Forest. Apparently, they were all
happy with the changes that the school had "made". She even commented
on my new figure showing, even in the school uniforms. At least now,
I would not stand out from my class.
After dimmer, Ms. Wallace asked me to come to her apartment. I
had no idea what she wanted, but I really had no choice, so I knocked
on the door promptly after dinner.
"Hello, Megan." she answered as she opened the door. "I need to
talk with you about certain school rules. It has come to my attention
that you violated one of the school dress rules," she started. "The
nurse told me that you did not have your girdle on when you had your
exam on Monday. I assume that Stephy had told you that they are
required at all times."
What could I say. I made some excuse about forgetting but she
would not accept it.
"Well, we must impress upon you that our rules are firm," she
responded. "I am authorized to impose some additional training in
such circumstances. This is not considered a severe violation, but
one non-the-less that requires correction. I think that just a
weekend will suffice."
She left the room, and returned quickly with a flat box. "You
must wear this for the whole weekend," she announced as she opened the
box. Inside was a severe looking boned corset. "Take off your
dress," she commanded.
I undressed to my bra and panties and she pulled the garment
around me. "This size looks good," she commented as she hooked it
behind me. She then proceeded to pull the lacing so tight that I
could hardly breathe. I was almost gasping for breath as she said,
"Breathe with your diaphragm, not your chest."
I found that I had to take numerous small breaths instead of
large ones, and that even then, I felt as though I was being cut in
half. "You must wear this at all times until Sunday evening," she
said. "I want you to report to remedial dance training tomorrow with
it on, and the instructor will inspect it after you shower to be sure
that it is securely fastened. This should remind you to follow the
school's dress code."
Back in the room, Stephy, Cindy, and Lisa laughed as I returned.
"Well, I see that Wallace caught you," Cindy said. "Don't worry, we
all had to do something similar."
"Do you remember Martha," Lisa commented. "Wallace made her wear
a corset over a girdle and tight spandex for a week. She lost 20
pounds before it was over."
We all laughed, and I resolved that I would tolerate it.
Saturday remedial dance practice was very painful. Performing all
of the required exercises and moves in the tight corset was almost
impossible, but the instructor would not accept any excuses. I even
noticed Ms. Wallace peering into the practice room at one point, just
to see that I was behaving myself.
By Sunday, I had adapted to the garment. It was still
uncomfortable, but I could tolerate it. That evening, Ms. Wallace
asked me to her apartment after dinner, and told me to remove the
corset. I did so, and I felt as though my waist was even smaller than
before. "Let this be a lesson, Megan," She began. "We will not
tolerate any more violations of our dress code."
Back in my room that night, Stephy gave me my missed assignments,
and I worked for the whole study period just to get ready for Monday.
After lights-out, Cindy and Lisa quietly came into our suite. Like
Stephy, they both said that now it was their turn, and they both
licked my cunt until I came. The pleasure was unbelievable. Then we
all brought each other off until almost 2:00AM, when we all got tired
and went to bed. They all seemed to be as highly aroused as I now
Monday started my first full week of classes. I was constantly
trying to find out about the three missing girls. Even Stephy, who
had roomed with one of them, knew nothing other than that they had
been in their rooms at lights-out, but they were missing the next
morning. I could not find anything that seemed to link them together.
As I settled into the school routine, by dual existence became
more bizarre. Here was a grown man, living in a woman's body that
was incredibly beautiful, and attending an all girls college with 200
other equally beautiful girls. I seemed to be as horny as they were.
We all looked forward to lights-out so that we could play together.
In addition, my breasts actually seemed to swell a little more during
the week, so I was becoming concerned that the long-term effects of
the hormones may not be fully understood. That scared me. What would
happen when this strange case ended, and I tried to resume my life as
a private investigator.
I was especially enjoying the dinner time so that I could wear
the revealing dresses with my new cleavage. I tried all of the lowest
cut ones just to see how I looked. What a knock-out I was! Right now
though, I had to be more concerned with trying to solve the case at
By Wednesday, I had begun to hear small comments about some
activities that seemed outside school rules. I could not prove
anything, but it sounded as though some of the girls had access to pot
and Cocaine. Stephy, Cindy, and Lisa seemed to know nothing about it
when I asked them what was going on. By using my normal investigation
procedures, I soon found out that at least one girl at our end of the
hall was a regular user. Now I had a clue to begin working with.
The strict school timetables made my work difficult, but I soon
had taken concealed photographs of the girl in a Cocaine "buy" with a
faculty member. Now I had something to start with. The faculty
member was Ms. Wallace.
I decided that my next step should be to get to know Ms. Wallace
better. I started sitting next to her at dinner, and asking questions
about the school and her athletic teams. I even attended her
additional exercise classes during an extra period that I had. For the
next week, I discretely watched for some sign that she noticed my
The school week continued normally. My academiv load was
difficult, even for me as an adult, and the dance and exercise classes
actually reduced my weight by an additional 10 pounds. The girls
seemed as sexually aroused as I was, and we played games with each
other each night. They all had some sort of sex toy hideen in their
rooms, and they traded them freely. Tuesday morning, Lisa came into
our room as I was dressed in just my panties and bra. "Here is
something for you to try today. We all use them occasionally. Just
sit down on the bed." In her hand, she had two metal spheres. She
pulled down my panties and inserted them into my cunt, and pulled the
panties back up. "There!" she said.
Stephy smiled as I continued to get dressed. During the day, the
two balls continually moved inside me. They created a continual state
of arousal during the while day, and during exercise class, I almost
climaxed from their motion. In the dormitory, I took them out in the
shower, and I could see Lisa smiling at me. In the room before dinner
she asked, "How did they feel?"
"Just great," I confessed. as I returned them to her. "What other
toys do you have?"
I found out later in the week, as she spent a night in our suite
with a variety of vibrators and dildoes. It was the first time that I
had experienced penetration since using the M/X-2, and I really
enjoyed the sensations as she played with me until I climaxed.
I concluded that all of them were as sexually aroused as I was.
We all must have been gived the M/X "behavior modification" compound.
I also continued my efforts to learn more about Ms. Wallace, and
finally, on a Friday night, she commented that she was going to try
some new exercises, and wondered if I would be willing to test them
for her.
This might be a good chance, so I said yes. I met her in the
gymnasium the next morning, and we both dressed in leotards, tights,
and exercise shoes. In the dance room, the mirrored wall emphasized
my beautiful figure slim waist, large, thrusting breasts, and a finely
featured face topped with long blond hair. What a sight I had become.
Ms. Wallace was equally attractive. She was slightly taller, and
a bit firmer, but she too had a beautiful face, and an exquisite
She started by describing some new exercises she wanted to use in
her classes, and then she asked me to try them. They were strenuous,
and she shortly began to help me do them. I noticed that she seemed
intimate in the way that she touched me to change my positions or
stance. She became increasingly forward, and complimentary about my
figure, and my performance of the exercises. On more than one
occasion, I felt her hands on my ample breasts, and I said nothing.
At one particular moment, she was trying to position me in a
difficult, ballet like move, when her hand again brushed my breasts.
I took the opportunity to make a slight moaning sound, which she
immediately noticed. Would she take the bait?
"Does that position feel OK," she asked. "Can you move more to
the side?" She then, again, brushed my breasts, and I moaned again.
There was no question that she had taken my clue, because she
began to hold my body tightly as she asked me to try various difficult
positions. I made no attempt to stop her, and even smiled
occasionally as she did it. We worked for at least two hours, with
her advances becoming more obvious by the minute. "Well," she finally
commented. "That is probably enough for this morning. Thank you
"That was a lot of fun," I responded. "I would like to do it
again sometime."
"Why, that is very nice Megan," she responded. "Would you like
to work some more this afternoon?"
"Yes, Mam. I would love to," I responded.
"Good, let's get some lunch."
We both left to shower and get dressed for lunch. We met in the
shower, and her look and motions were obviously provocative. I
responded similarly.
After lunch, we again dressed in the gym, and worked out for 2
more hours. Ms. Wallace continued to touch and hold me in some of the
exercises, and I responded positively each time. In the shower after
we finished, she said, "Megan, would you like to have dinner with me
"Yes, Mam. I would be glad to," was my response.
"Good. Why not come to my apartment about 6:00PM," she responded.
Back in my room, I noticed that Stephy was studying. "Where have
you been?" she asked.
"I was doing extra exercises with Ms. Wallace," I answered.
"Oh," she said abruptly. "I would watch out."
"Is there a problem?" i asked.
"She can be funny sometimes," Stephy answered. "No one can seem
to figure her out. You know how bitchy she can be sometimes."
"Yes, I remember," I responded, thinking about the corset
At 4:30, Stephy left to go with the Debate Team for an evening
debate across the state, so I was alone until very late that night.
That would be perfect, no-one to have to know where I was.
At 6:00PM, I knocked at Ms. Wallace's door, and she answered
quickly. "Hello Megan." she was dressed in a particularly revealing
dress for a Saturday night at school, but I choose not to say
anything. We talked for a while, and she offered me a soda before
dinner. I said yes, and she brought out one in a tall glass. We
continued to talk for a while, and I got strangely tired, to the point
that I passed out.
I awoke lying on my back in a different room. I felt that my
hands and feet were tied to the bed, just like they had been in the
hospital. I looked around, and realized that I was completely naked,
and tied to a bed. The room did not look like a bedroom. It just had
the bed I was on, and a couple of large trunks near one wall. I lay
there for a while, struggling against my bonds, when the door opened.
I was both shocked and scared as Ms. Wallace walked quickly into
the room. Her incredibly beautiful body was barely held in a black
corset, with exposed breasts. and she had thigh high, black boots on.
"What are you doing Ms. Wallace?" I asked.
"Call me Mistress! Now, you just you relax and enjoy it, my pet,"
she answered as she opened one of the trunks. Reaching in, she pulled
out what looked like a long feather. "Just relax," she said again.
"I will not hurt you. This will be fun for both of us."
As I lay there, she sat next to me, and began to lightly touch me
with the feather. The feeling was unbelievable. It was so light and
smooth. She started on my stomach, but quickly had it lightly
brushing my large nipples, which immediately became stiff. Then she
moved it between my legs, and I felt its light touch on my cunt lips
and clitoris. I moaned loudly.
"Now you can enjoy it, my pet," she said softly. "Just relax.
I loved the feeling, and really did not want her to stop it, as I
moaned more and more. Her hands began to stroke my body lightly, and
she soon kissed one of my nipples. My passion was building. My
tongue was moving across my lips, and I writhed against my bonds.
"Oh Mistress," I moaned. "That feels so good."
"Good, my pet. Just enjoy it."
Her hands kept moving lightly over my body, and soon one of her
fingers touched my cunt lips. It was like an electric shock through
my body. She could see me move more as she did it. She continued,
and then suddenly she bent over me, and kissed me on the nipple.
Again, I moved under her touch. "That feels so good."
"Good." She moved up, and her lips touched mine. I could feel a
fire building between my legs as my tongue reached out for hers and
they met. The kiss went on for a long time. Finally, she broke the
kiss, and moved between my legs. I could feel her tongue lapping my
cunt, and I began moaning again. She persisted until I climaxed with
a loud moan. I had never felt anything like that!
"How was that, my pet?"
"Oh, Mistress," was all that I could say.
She moved to the head of the bed, and I stretched my tongue out
toward her. She climbed over me, with her cunt above my face, and we
buried our tongues in each others cunts simultaneously. I licked as
hard as I could, and she quickly had two intense climaxes before I had
a second one. This lesbian love was unbelievable. The pleasure was
so intense.
We continued for at least 2 hours before she loosened the tethers
on my arms and legs. I sat up, and we both embraced and kissed. My
hand moved to her crotch, and my fingers slipped into her wet cunt as
she fell back onto the bed. Within 2 minutes, I had brought her to
another climax.
"Oh, my pet," she moaned. "Let me try something else."
"Yes, Mistress," I responded as I sat on the bed. I could not
tell if it was my male feelings, or some sort of strange lesbian
tendencies, that had me so attracted to this woman.
She went to the trunk, and returned with a large bag. Inside
were a number of different leather garments and straps. She took some
of them, and turned to me. First, she buckled a wide belt around my
waist. then she put wrist and ankle cuffs on me. Then she put cuffs
on my elbows and thighs.
"What are you doing, Mistress?"
"Just wait, my pet," she replied as she clipped my wrist cuffs to
the thigh cuffs, the elbow cuffs to the waist belt, and the ankle
cuffs together.
Then she pulled a latex item from the bag. It seemed to be some
sort of hooded device, which she slipped over my head. The darkness
scared me initially, but I could breathe OK so I did not complain.
Then I felt her pull me to my knees in front of her. As I knelt, I
could feel her doing something else with the garment, and something
brushed my face. Then I knew. It had a pair of pants attached to the
front of the hood. Sure enough, Her other leg entered the garment,
and I felt her pull it up her legs, positioning my face right in front
of her cunt. "Follow me, my pet," she ordered as she stepped
backward, and I followed on my knees. Quickly, she was lying on her
back on the bed, and I was forced to follow her, with my face tightly
pulled into her cunt. "Now, give me pleasure," she commanded, and I
began to lick and suck her cunt.
The tight hood, along with the various restraints, kept me from
moving except to roll, and the panty-hood held my head tightly against
her crotch. She was writhing and moving in ecstasy as I worked.
Shortly, I heard a loud moan as she climaxed, but she did not move. I
kept going, and brought her to three more before she stopped it, and
pulled herself out of the latex garment. Then she took off the hood.
"That was wonderful, my pet!" she exclaimed. "Now it is my turn."
She did not remove my restraints, except my arms, which she
clipped to the corners of the bed. Then she tied my feet tightly, and
removed the other unused straps. She returned with a leather hood,
which she slipped over my head, and closed. Again, the darkness
scared me initially, but I quickly overcame it. I heard her walk
away, and then return quickly. "Just wait, my pet," she said in a low
Then I felt the soft feather again, plus her warm lips on my
nipples and cunt. I began to moan and writhe on the bed, and I heard
a low hum. Then I felt it, a vibrator, as she rubbed it on my clit.
This was an incredibly pleasurable new feel. Particularly when I did
not know where it would touch next. She ran it over most of my body,
and then I felt it at the lips of my cunt. I had never been
penetrated before, and I was going mad waiting for it.
She pushed the device slowly into me, and continued to stroke my
body. I almost screamed in pleasure. "Must be quiet, my pet," she
said softly. "I know just how to do it."
In a moment, I felt a rough, rubbery shape on my lips. It rubbed
against them, and then she forced it into my mouth. It was a rubber
penis dildo, and she quickly had its full length in my mouth. I felt
straps around my head, and I knew that I could not get it out.
She continued with the vibrator, and the pleasure kept building.
I moaned through the penis gag, and writhed even more as she brought
me to incredible heights. The mixture of sensations kept me
continually aroused.
Finally, she stopped, and removed the hood and gag. "How was
that, my pet?" she asked.
I could only moan, so she lay beside me, and kissed me again. I
wondered when this would ever stop.
She left again, and returned with a small syringe. "What is
that?" I asked.
"Don't worry, my pet. It is just an antibiotic in case of
infection." she replied as I felt a slight prick in my upper arm. Now
She released me, and I sat up. Then she sat beside me, embraced
me, and kissed me again. I loved the feeling, and returned the kiss
as well as caressing her beautiful tits. We continued for a while,
and then she noticed the time. "You must leave, my pet," she said.
"We would not want you to miss lights-out, now would we?"
"No, Mistress," I answered.
"Remember, only use Mistress when we do this," she reminded me.
"Yes, Mam," I responded as I left her apartment. "That was
really special."
"I am glad," was her response. "Even if we did not get a chance to
have dinner."
Sunday passed uneventfully, Stephy and the debate team returned
and school returned to its normal events. Stephy asked how the
weekend went, and I said that it was just a normal one.
During the week, I seemed to be more aroused that I had ever been
before. Getting dressed for dinner, and seeing all of the other
beautiful girls also well dressed, was exciting, and I could never get
enough pleasure as Stephy, Cindy, Lisa and I played in the dark at
night. My sexual drive seemed greater each day.
Ms. Wallace asked me to exercise with her twice during the week,
and I did so gladly. I loved the sight of the sleek, sexy bodies,
even if one of them was mine.
I was able to get two additional pictures of her selling
something to students, and I put them safely into the false bottom of
my trunk.
By Friday, Ms. Wallace had asked me again to practice with her.
This time, she mentioned that another girl, Lisa, would join us. I
remembered her as one of the girls buying cocaine from Ms. Wallace as
soon as I saw her at the gym. Now it was becoming interesting.
During practice, Ms. Wallace continued to touch me, as well as
Leslie. Again, she asked me to dinner as well as Leslie. She seemed
much more direct with Lisa though.
I got to her apartment first, and she told me that Lisa had been
with her a number of times before, so that I should not be embarrassed
if we did the same things that we had done before. "Oh Mistress," I
responded. "Don't worry, I would love to spend another afternoon like
the last one."
Lisa arrived, and we began immediately. They laid me on the bed
again, and strapped me down tightly, then both of the put on corsets,
and high boots, and returned. "What will you do to me Mistress?" I
Ms. Wallace just smiled as Lisa climbed onto the bed, and sat
down over my face. Her intention was obvious, so I immediately began
licking her cunt. Then I felt something between my legs. It was the
feather first, then the vibrator. Lisa stuck it completely into me,
and then began with the feather again. I loved the pleasure of both
at once, and I immediately climaxed and moaned loudly.
I was so aroused that I would do anything. That "antibiotic"
injection she had given me must have been the third M/X compound, the
one that increased sexual drive. How could I reconcile my masculine
thoughts with my insatiable desire to be penetrated and licked?
Ms. Wallace climbed over my face, and Lisa left and returned in a
minute with a strange mechanical device. She set it at the bottom of
the bed, and strapped it to the foot of the bed. It looked like a
small table, with a motor and wheel on it. Ms. Wallace got up to help
her. They attached a rod to the wheel, and put something on the end
of it. It was a huge rubber penis. I could feel them place it on my
cunt lips, and push it into me a little.
"Now, my pet," Ms. Wallace said. "Lets see how well you can
control yourself. The more that you try to stop this machine from
penetrating you, the greater the pleasure you will feel. You need to
keep it from turning, and we will reward you."
Then she turned it on, and the wheel began to turn. As It did, it
pushed the large penis into my cunt. They adjusted the speed a bit,
and let it begin to work. With each stroke, I felt my arousal
increase, until I finally climaxed. Then they turned it up faster.
I tried to hold it back with the muscles of my cunt, and the
pleasure was even greater. I was so aroused, that I tried to stop it,
but I could not. It plunged into me inexorably, until I came again,
with a loud moan. Then they speeded it up again.
All the while, Lisa was stroking my body with the feather, as the
"fucking machine" continued its pace. I kept trying to slow it down,
to get greater pleasure, but with each climax, they speeded it up.
Ms. Wallace moved her cunt over my face, and I began to lick her as
the machine continued. The triple sensations were driving me almost
crazy as I climaxed again and again. I even began to climax when Ms.
Wallace did also.
Within about 30 minutes, I was at such a fever pitch that almost
any touch made me come. My muscles were able to slow the machine to
almost stop it, but each time I almost stopped it, Ms. Wallace would
come, then I would come and loose my concentration. The machine would
speed up, I would climax, and they would make it go faster.
I was in a cycle that was constantly ratcheting my arousal up to
a climax, only to make the next one better.
My moaning became constant, and suddenly they stopped the machine.
"Oh no, please don't stop it Mistress," I pleaded.
"That is enough my pet," she replied.
I was almost addicted to It. I would do anything to have them
start that machine again. "PLEASE, Mistress. PLEASE!"
Lisa stroked my body with the feather, as Ms. Wallace kissed my
nipples, then my lips. I responded with my tongue, and she was all
over me again.
Lisa removed the restraints, and the three of us were quickly all
on the bed in a pile. Each doing something to one of the others. It
was an orgy unlike anything I could imagine.
Finally, Ms. Wallace stopped, and said "Lets have something else
to arouse us." She got up, and returned with a small package of white
powder. Now I knew I was at the source of the problem.
She cut a couple of lines for Lisa, who immediately became high,
and did so for herself. I pretended to have some, and watched them as
they rested back on the bed. Pretending to be high also, I lay back
on the bed and rested.
Ms. Wallace got up first. "Girls, it's late. you must not miss
We dressed quickly, and both left for our rooms.
On Sunday, Ms. Wallace acted as though nothing had happened, and
another week started as usual.
During the week, my sexual arousal did not diminish. Stephy,
Cindy, and Leslie even commented one night that I just could never get
enough. They were right. I was constantly aroused. I would bring
myself off at night with my fingers, and Stephy would hear my low
moans in the next room.
Ms. Wallace asked me to practice exercises again, and I did so.
She mentioned that some other girls occasionally joined her, and
accidentally, she mentioned first names that were the names of two of
the three missing girls. Now I knew that I was even closer to an
School began to follow a predictable pattern. As a student, I
worked hard to pass the academics. Nightly, Stephy, Cindy, Leslie
and I would "play" together. I may have been aroused, but the other
three were almost as aroused also.
Ms. Wallace would ask me to practice during the week, and she,
Lisa and I would do so. On Saturdays, we would meet at her apartment
for long sexual romps.
During all of this, I continued to get occasional pictures of her
selling dope to various students. Finally, I got a picture of her
selling it to another teacher, and then to Ms. Abernathy's secretary.
This was not right, but I still did not know what had happened to
the three missing girls.
One Tuesday afternoon, I was asked to go to the office to pick up
something. It was in the middle of classes, so I got permission, and
walked to see Ms. Abernathy. Once inside, Sarah, her secretary, asked
me to just go into Ms. Abernathy's office, which I did.
"Well, Miss Cartright," she said once the door was closed. "What
have you found so far?"
"Well, Ms. Abernathy," I began. "I think that the problem is
somehow connected to cocaine sales at the school."
"Cocaine!" she exclaimed.
"Yes, Mam," I continued. I believe that one of your teachers is
selling Cocaine to the students and faculty. I do not know what that
has to do with the three missing girls though."
"Well! Who is it," he demanded.
"I have some pictures, but I had better not disclose who it is
until I find out where the three girls are," I said.
"Where are the pictures," he exclaimed.
"They are safe," I replied. "Just let me finish the
investigation and you may have all of the evidence."
She did not seem happy with that answer. "How much longer will
this take," she demanded.
"It should not take much longer," I answered, but I will need
your cooperation so that I can continue this investigation."
"Ok, but hurry up, Highland Forest needs to have this cleared up
I left and returned to my classes.
That Thursday, I had exercise practice with Lisa and Ms.
Wallace. She seemed to act strangely with me, but I thought that I
might just be her time of the month.
On Saturday, Ms. Wallace said that the practice would be held at
a nearby gymnasium that had certain gymnastic equipment that we did
not have. I really did not give it much thought as she, Lisa, and I
climbed into a school car, and drove off the campus.
She drove to the main road, and turned to leave town. Then, she
turned off the road, onto a smaller road, and finally onto a gravel
road. This seemed strange to me. The road ended at a large old
house. Now I was becoming more concerned.
I did not have a moment to act before she and Lisa had handcuffed
me, gagged me, and tied me securely so that I could not walk. They
picked me up, and carried me into the old house.
Inside, they walked through the main hall, and down a set of
stairs into the cellar. There they went into a large room, with white
painted walls, and strong overhead lights. They took me to one end of
the room, undressed me completely, and securely tied my hands and legs
outstretched to hooks in the wall. The they buckled a belt around my
waist, and tied the rings on it to the wall also. I could not move.
Now I knew that they knew I had found out about their scheme.
"Well, Miss smartypants," Ms. Wallace started. "You think that
you are so smart, but now we are in control. We can not let our
little scheme get out. You see, Ms. Abernathy is a part of our plan.
She is the one who actually controls it. You are the fourth girl to
learn about it and threaten us with it. You, like the others, will
conveniently disappear, and our plan will remain safe. This time, we
have learned where our security is poor so that no one else can find
out what is happening. Good by, my pet."
She just turned, and left me hanging on the wall.
I was left there for what seemed like a very long time. Then I
heard noises upstairs, and footsteps on the cellar stairs. Suddenly
the door opened, and the school doctor walked in.
"Hello, Megan," she said. "I am Dr. Naomi Bernstein. You may
remember NB Enterprises. Well, that is my company. and M/X-2 is my
own invention. I have worked years to take the original compound from
Mexico and refine it to its current strength and actions. You have
even seen how little amounts of it works."
I was scared. I could go nowhere, and I was at the mercy of this
strange doctor. I had almost solved the case, but to no avail.
She walked up to me, and touched my breasts very gently. "You
were such a beautiful example of what I can do." Then she walked out
of the room.
There was nothing I could do. I was securely tied to the wall,
with no visible way to escape.
In a while, I heard her return down the cellar steps. The door
opened, and he entered with a tray of medical instruments. She
carefully filled two large syringes with two different substances, and
then picked up a third bottle. It read M/Y!
She drew a good bit of M/Y into each syringe, and moved to my
side. I struggled against the bonds, but I could not really move. I
felt the pain of the injections, one in each side, and the doctor
smiled as she walked back to the tray.
"What have you done to me," I pleaded.
"Oh, just an extension of what we already did at the school," she
replied. That was just some additional treatments for your figure,
and for your sexual drive."
Suddenly, I remembered what the receptionist had said at NB
Enterprises. "Just be sure that M/Y never mixes with any of the other
three... If it mixes, the results are unpredictable."
She had mixed them! Then she left.
I was trapped! Suddenly, I felt a tingle in my body. My breasts
felt very warm.
Nothing else seemed to happen for a while, then I had an
increasing urge for sex, just like I had felt after the cosmetic
Again, nothing, then the tingling again. I looked down, and my
breasts seemed much bigger than I remembered them.
Dr. Bernstein walked into the room, took a quick look at me, and
left silently.
More waiting, more tingling. I looked again, and they were even
More time passed, and my sexual urges grew even more. I looked
down again, and my breasts were huge now. Way out of proportion to
anything normal.
Then Dr. Bernstein walked into the room again, this time carrying
the machine Ms. Wallace had had in her room. She sat it down beneath
me, and plugged it into an electrical outlet. This time, it just sat
on the floor, and the rod extended straight up. The rubber penis was
still on the end as she inserted it into my cunt and started the
I immediately moaned, and she laughed. "This will teach you to
meddle in my affairs. Each climax will heighten the effect of the
injections. Your sex drives will increase, and so will your breast
size." She walked over to me, and hefted one of my huge tits. It was
almost the size of a large grapefruit.
The machine speeded up, and I moaned again. It cycled endlessly
into and out of me until I climaxed with a scream. The doctor laughed
again, and left.
For what seemed to be an eternity, the machine assaulted me,
driving me to greater and greater desires for sex. I was climaxing
repeatedly, and then I tried to stop it like I had done in Ms.
Wallace's apartment. That slowed it, but made the pleasure even
greater. I soon was making continual moans, punctuated by frequent
screams as I climaxed.
Finally, the doctor returned, and turned off the machine.
"Please no," I pleaded. "I must have it. Please turn it on. I need
a fuck. PLEASE! PLEASE!"
She laughed, and walked over to me again. She reached up, and
lifted one of my tits again. It was much bigger. It stuck out at
least a foot as she held it up. They were bigger than anything I had
ever seen. "That should do," she commented. "They are bigger than
needed anyway."
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.
"You will see soon," she said as she left.
Shortly, the doctor returned with Lisa. They untied my waist,
and carefully untied my wrists and ankles. Then they handcuffed me
with my hands behind my back, and led me out of the room.
At the top of the stairs, there was a large hall mirror, and I
was shocked at the effect of the injections. I had two of the biggest
boobs I could imagine. They were like two soccer balls attached to my
chest. They stuck out past my arms on the sides, and hung down almost
to my navel. The sight of my slim body, with the immense boobs, was
extremely arousing to me, and I began to moan again.
"Lets go," the doctor said. They led me upstairs, and dressed me
in bikini pants, panty hose, a bra that could barely hold my immense
mammaries, and a knit dress that made my extreme figure look even more
As I walked, I could feel the immense weight of the bra straps on
my shoulders, and the tremendous movement in them as I moved. What
could they be doing to me now I wondered.
They handcuffed me again, and led me out of the house to a
waiting van. I was pushed into the back, and the door closed. Dr.
Bernstein climbed into the front, Lisa followed, and we left the old
"I had a bad feeling about you the moment that we finished your
physical exam," the doctor said. "The urine tests, and the blood
work, showed chromosome anomalies. There was an X chromosome, which
is the male one, in the tests. I kept quiet until Abernathy told me
that you had traced our operation. Then she told me all about you,
and our records indicated your acquisition of the M/X-2 items last
month. Then I knew what was going on, and who you really were. There
was no "other employee". You are actually Wilcox under the influence
of M/X-2. Your use of Crayle's name at our office was a tip-off. Mr.
Crayle and I have met before, when he was using similar disguises. He
too encountered problems once I became aware of what was really going
on, and in a number of cases, he was able to overcome those problems.
Recently, however, he has not been around, so I suspect that his luck,
like yours, has run out. You both are stark evidence that I am not
one to try to trick."
There was nothing that I could say. Now they knew all of the
"That is OK," the doctor continued. "We can continue as we did
with the others. You will just react differently to the injections.
You have already shown greatly increased sensitivity to the M/X
enhancer compound, I would think that the behavior modifier compound
should work the same."
"What will happen to me?" I asked cautiously.
"Well, we have an arrangement with the producers of M/X in
Mexico," he began. "They send us raw M/X in exchange for money, and
other items. Those other items are primarily women who we want to get
rid of, just like you. You see, in Mexico, they have lots of good
places for someone with your "endowments". They will probably use you
in one of their strip joints as a dancer. Those boobs will really
draw the local population. Maybe, in your case, they will also put
you in one of their animal acts. The audience loves to see animals
fuck women, and you, with those boobs, will be an ideal candidate."
The van was shaking, and it began to arouse me. I moaned and the
doctor just smiled.
The van slowed, and then backed into some place. The door opened,
and it was dark. I was pulled out of the van, and pushed onto the
nearby loading dock. There was a large crate there, with the front
open. The doctor came to me with another syringe, and injected me
again. I quickly fell asleep.
Joe Wilcox awoke on a darkened stage. He felt someone removing
all of his clothing, and then fasten something around his knees. Then
he felt something moist rubbed on his exposed cunt. Somewhere, a loud
crowd was screaming in a foreign language. As he tried to move, but
he found that his knees were chained tightly to the middle of the
stage. He raised up onto his hands and knees, with his mammoth
breasts hanging down, brushing the stage. The music started, and the
crowd became louder.
Then the stage became lighter as a curtain began to rise. He
could see the smoke filled room, full of tables of screaming men in
large hats.
He had no idea where he was, but he knew that he was
uncontrollably aroused. He HAD to have something in his cunt, He HAD
to be fucked NOW!
Then the stage door opened again, and a huge Doberman dog raced
out, snarling. It smelled for something, and then went to his rear.
It sniffed his cunt, and then licked it quickly. They must have wiped
something on his cunt that attracted the dogs. The huge dog
immediately mounted him, and stuck its huge penis into his cunt.
It pumped as it coupled with him, and he began to moan as he
became more excited from the dog's dick. He was just beginning to
climax as the dog howled, and backed away, having obviously come. He
did not care, he was still not satisfied
The dog then backed away from him, and ran off the stage, leaving
Wilcox moaning and screaming "FUCK ME PLEASE".
Then the stage door opened again, and a donkey walked out onto the
stage toward him. He raised up on his hands and knees again as it
walked straight toward him.
As thought it had done it before, the donkey walked right over
him, and stopped with a short. He looked up, and saw its huge red
penis extending out of its sheath. He was so aroused that he raised
his head, and sucked on it as hard as he could.
The donkey, obviously trained for this, just stood still as Wilcox
pulled and licked its dick. He sucked for a while, and then the
animal became restless, as his efforts were beginning to take effect.
It began to move its hindquarters in time with his motions, and was
soon driving its huge tool into and out of his mouth. He held on
tightly, until it obviously came into his mouth with another loud
The animals semen began to drip out of his mouth as he continued
sucking and hoping for his own climax.
Finally, a dirty man walked onto the stage, released his
wrists, and led the donkey off the stage.
The music started, and Wilcox stood up, his immense breasts
hanging down. He began to move to the music, his tits swinging
wildly. The crowd went wild. Suddenly, someone jumped up from the
crowd, opened his trousers, and climbed onto the stage. Wilcox took
him in his mouth, and began licking him hurriedly. The man from the
audience moaned, came in his mouth, and then left the stage. Then
another followed him. The screaming was unbelievable.
Finally, after three others climbed onto the stage, the lights
dimmed, and the curtain closed.
Back on the stage, Wilcox moaned. "I need a fuck". The stage
hands laughed as they grabbed him, put him into a room, and locked it.
"I need a fuck," he kept moaning. The band came onto the stage, and
set up their instruments; and he just sat in the room, moaning, and
waiting for the next show.
"What can I do," thought Joe Wilcox as he sat in the room. "How
could I ever get into such a fix. I wonder if Clinton Crayle ever had
this kind of problem? What can I do to get another fuck?"
In the audience, a shadowy, well dressed woman had watched the
act. She laughed to herself, and walked out of the old movie house.
She turned, and left quietly, carrying a large case containing a huge
amount of raw M/X.