Archive-name: Changes/ericdil1.txt
Archive-title: Eric's Dilemna (part 1)
The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as
best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was
filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the
exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their
g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that
The back of Club MALES was dark., some booths filled with
shadowy shapes writhing in pleasure. In one, an anxious woman sat,
pleading her case.
"I know you can help me, Kim said so."
Alexis brushed the platinum blonde curls out of her eyes and
tried to convince the Club's owner of her sincerity. Someone had
to save Alexis or God knows what would happen to her.
Two years ago Alexis Lane had been at the top of her class in
business school. Picked to go far, her mistake had been to fall
for the blandishments of Eric Katt. THE Eric Katt, Takeover King
and Corporate Raider Extraordinare. Eric had promised Alexis
exposure, a chance to show what she had, to show she could stay on
her toes. It could be argued that Eric had kept his word,
Alexis, or as she was known now, "Alli" Katt, found herself
turned into a blonde, busty "T & A", wet dream, prancing about in
heels that indeed kept her on tiptoe, scampering about in dresses
that revealed just what she had, and this exposure" had destroyed
any hopes of a legitimate career.
Why didn't she leave? Get a divorce and a chunk of his
millions? Alexis had tried but Eric never tried. He did! Alexis'
mother was institutionalized, a nervous breakdown. She had been
making progress toward normalcy. It was a delicate time and an
uncertain process. Alexis tried to visit as often as she could.
Barbara Lane sat in front of the vanity. Her body was
sheathed in a red satin dress that showed her breasts. Her hair
was jet black and teased. In horror, from the door, Alexis
listened as the nurse insisted that Barbara's already theatrical
makeup needed to be touched up. Despite Alexis' angry protests,
Barbara never took her eyes from her reflection. The makeup kept
caking on. At the director's office, Alexis was put on the phone
with the owner, Eric of course. And dutifully, Alexis allowed
herself to become Alli Katt, prize trophy of the sexist,
chauvinistic Mr. Katt.
"It could be done. It would be dangerous, but it could be
done. What do you have in mind and what are you offering in
payment?" Lorna Reina survived because she was careful.
It was one thing to take a man and degrade him with psuedo-
femininity. It could even happen to the well-known and mildly
prominent. Celebrities were a perfect example. A once famous rock
star was now working as a parlor maid - nothing French, long
starched uniforms and sturdy shoes - now after his involuntary stay
The powerful were something else altogether. They could have
plans laid, loyal retainers charged with their rescue, scenarios
pre-plotted to foil the cleverest kidnappers. And if she were
caught, Lorna had no illusions of being arrested. A man like Eric
Katt would have her killed.
Still, it might be a particularly succulent challenge.
Indeed, Eric's bimbo wife was succulent herself. Alexis squirmed
under Lorna's too interested gaze. Her surgically augmented
breasts swelled in all their 36-D grandeur from the cups of her
rubber bustier. The matching latex micro-mini molded everything
and showed everything.
"If I am to do this ... First, I will be paid $10,000,000 in
cash or cash equivalent in U.S. dollars". Lorna announced.
"Second, I will make all plans for the adventure, and I will
have sole use and enjoyment of the project for six months after
"Third, after I am forced to relinquish my project, you will
take it's place for six months."
A nice way to see if this overblown plaything was serious. It
was one thing to consign your abusive mate to sugjugation, but
quite another to take his place as part of the fee.
Swallowing and red-faced, Alexis signed the necessary
end of part 1